Gray's Death.

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(The war ended. Everyone returned to their guild. They are still in a great shock by losing Gray.)

Today is the day of funeral of Gray. Entire Fairy tail is gathered. Members from Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, Mermaid heel and sabertooth are also here. Everyone has tears in his/her eyes.

"Gray, No, Why did you left us. Why?" Lucy said while crying.

"I always respected Gray, as a friend, as a Fellow maker magician and as my life's toughest rival. He was really a hero." Rufus from the sabertooth said.

"It was all my fault that it happened. I couldn't save my children in the end." Makarov said.

"I knew you were an idiot. But I never guessed that much. You were my only family after Master ur. Why did you do this huh? Is that why master taught you the ice shell." Lyon said.

"Lyon get hold of yourself." Sherry said.

"Hey, why are you acting weird Natsu. Aren't you upset. You lost your best friend." Sting said.

"Who cares about him? He left us on his own will. So why should we give a damn about it." Natsu said and then left.

"Natsu....." Lissana said.

"Don't follow me lissana." Natsu said and left.

"Gray...." Erza said and just after that collapsed.

"Erza!!!!" Everyone ran toward her.

(Natsu went at the riverside where Erza and Gray used to spend time.)

"I'm sorry Gray. It was all because me that you died. It was because of my lack of power that I couldn't save you. Damn it, I am too weak. Why is that so.....??? I can't save anyone. If only I was strong enough to beat that demon than you would be alive. I am the reason for Erza's tears." Natsu talked to himself while looking at the sky and crying.

"No. It was not your fault Natsu. I'm happy that I was able to save everyone." Gray said in Natsu's imagination.

"But Gray...." Natsu said as Gray disappeared

"Now. There's no time of crying. Gray I promise I will take care of your child and everyone else. I will not allow anyone to die from now on. I will become strong to protect everyone." natsu said.

"And are you really determined to that." Gildarts said while coming towards Natsu.

"Gildarts, you......" Natsu said.

"Natsu, I have taken a S-S rank mission. Its a decade mission. I will be travelling around the world to complete it. I want you to join me. I will train you to become the strongest wizard in the world. You are too weak right now. But I can make you the one on whom Gray will be proud of." Gildarts said.

"So, its a decade mission like 10 years away from everyone. It's difficult but for everyone's sake I have to become strong. So I accept your offer." Natsu said.

"With you and me together. We can complete this mission in less than 10 years." Gildarts said.

"That's good. But before going with you I have some work to do. I want Gray's child to come in this world safe and sound. So I want to be by Erza's side till he's born. We will leave soon after that." Natsu said.

"Its done than." Gildarts replied.

-------------6 months have passed------------

Lucy's POV

"Hey mom, time has passed like winds. Its been six months since Gray's death. Everyone is slowly slowly recovering from it. Fairy tail is as ever. Today is the most happiest day in our guild because a fullbuster is gonna born today. Yes today is Erza's delivery day. I am too excited to see whether her child is a boy or a girl. Yes one more thing, I am now Lucy Dragneel. I have married to world's most stupid person Natsu but I love him. Ok its gonna be late, I have to leave for the hospital. Bye" Lucy wrote a letter.

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