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Jades POV:

My alarm woke me at 7 am, "yay the first day of school!" I muttered to myself sarcastically my summer is over although it was amazing, I had my huge   17th birthday party. I left my house at 8am and jumped in my Audi my dad bought me and sped of to school. The usual boring start of the year assembly was a drag until my head teacher announced the new pupils.. "We have a few new students attending this term I'm pleased to welcome Jessica turner, Adam rose and Paul zimmer." I heard Pauls name and my heart started beating so fast, Paul is coming to my school? He is the hottest boy I know omg I love him so much! I looked at my best friend Lucy and she looked back smiling knowing how much I love him. At lunch I was desperate to find him so me and Lucy strolled round school for the whole hour but he wasn't anywhere, where is Paul? On my way to math I noticed a strong smell of weed and smoke coming from behind the math block, "no jade don't do this, you promised" Lucy whispered to me pulling me away, let's just say I had a slight addiction to weed in summer it just chills me out too much. "I'll catch you up." I said pushing her off me and jogging to the smoke, "who the fuck are you?" A boy shouted as he saw my converse coming round the corner, it was Paul! "Urm I'm jade, let me have saves on your joint?" I laughed leaning against the wall next to him. "What do I get out of it?" He laughed, sucking on the spliff, he was just too sexy. "You get to make me happy.." I smiled pulling a funny face, "what if I get to make your happier my giving you a kiss?" He winked.. Damn. I leant in to give him a peck but his tongue made contact with mine and I was shocked with how forward he is! After we made out for a few minutes he handed me the spliff, "thank you" I laughed smoking it, the weed instantly chilled me out. "I got what I want and so did you." He smirked walking away, I decided to head to maths after putting out the joint.

Pauls POV:

I need to find this girl, she is so sexy. Ran round the busy hallways searching for my girl then I spotted her. Her beautiful brown hair flowed in the wind as she flashed her perfectly white teeth at her friend. "Hey, meet me at my car after school" I winked pulling her arm towards me. "Urm.. Alright then" she laughed looking at her best friend who smiled. The rest of the dragged until I raced to my car, spotting her leaning against it before I reached it. I casually strolled towards her until we came close enough for me to lean in, her soft lips touched mine as my tongue made contact with hers sending fireworks throughout my body. She pulled away after we heard  "get a room!"  And "eew!" From the younger years. "That was unexpected!" She giggled slapping my arm. "Sorry babe, couldn't resist!" I laughed back getting in my car, "well come on then!" I said pointing at the passenger seat, she quickly scrambled round and jumped in my white bmw. "Where the fuck are we going?" She questioned me, "trust me you'll love it" I replied pulling out of my parking space.

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