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Jades POV:

"OMG!!!" Danny laughed as we sped to school half an hour late, "this is so bad!" i shouted and told him to hurry. When we finally made it to school i ran into the office and Danny pulled me back before whispering in my ear, "I'll take the blame" i just smiled back and spoke to the old lady that was sitting behind a desk. "I'm so sorry we re late, basically..." i was cut off by Danny, " I was sick this morning and she was helping me and Jade told me to come in because i felt a lot better. But i'm really sorry" he said pulling my hand and holding it tightly. "It's okay Mr Edge. But Jade next time come to school, you can be away from your boyfriend just for a day" she moaned and pointed towards the door, signally us to go to class. "okay sorry miss" i chirped and strolled out of the door and began laughing with Danny, "since when has she called me Mr Edge!" he chuckled and i joined in on the banter until we came to my first class English. "Well... i'll she you at lunch baby" he smiled and kissed my forehead, leaving me all alone. I slowly opened the classroom door, instantly anxious when everyone in the room stared at me and whispered to each other. "Well Jade, late again?" she questioned angrily and stopped whatever she was writing on the board. "yeah i'm sorry..." i was cut off yet again as she over spoke me, "Something to do with Danny, i take it?" she shouted while i walked to my seat at the back of the long room. "Yeah, i'm sorry Miss" i said, feeling my face burning red. "forget to wake up from the dead?" I heard someone laugh, clearly saying i looked ugly. I remembered that i was to late this mourning to put on the makeup i normally did for school. I ran to my seat and tried to hide the embarrassed look on my face, Emma (the girl that loved Danny and Paul) shouted to me, "Danny only uses you so he can look good by going out with such a ugly pig" She shouted and made the whole class join in on laughs. Luckily the teacher was there to stop the hate, "Okay Okay settle down" she screamed and everyone instantly was silent. I was trying to hold back the tears. I bet Emma is right... why would Danny ever want someone like me? Danny is amazing and then there's me.. The whole of that lesson was spent by me crying into my arms silently at the back and looking at the beautiful ring Danny proposed to me with. Eventually when the bell rang i sprinted off to the toilets and let out my sobs while staring at my ugly face in the mirror, i heard my phone beep from my pocket so i read the message from Danny;

My boy: where are you?

My boy: i heard what happened in your lesson, don't listen to them. You're my princess and i'm in love with you.

My boy: just tell me where you are beautiful.

Me: Danny. Why would you want me though?

My boy: can you just tell me where you are, or i'm coming into the girls bathroom because that is the last place i need to check.

Me: okay fine i'm coming

I marched out of the bathroom and i jumped when Danny shocked me by wrapping his arms around me as i came out of the door. "come with me" he said and lifted me over his shoulder as i protested. He seemed angry as he began to stride down the busy halls, causing everyone to look at us. He arrived at the parking lot and threw me in his car and walked around to his own side. "Danny, what the fuck!" I cried and sorted out my messy hair, "no Jade, what the fuck to you! I cannot live in this world without you and you would actually believe something emma would say. Really? I am in love with you, you're mine and I'm yours that's it. I am never ever leaving you Jade, so don't you dare think about leaving me!" He said as I watched a tear drip down his cheek and I couldn't hold them back no longer, "okay I'm sorry, you need to understand that life can be hard for me" I said hiding my face in his warm jumper, "life can be hard for anyone, and I will be here to help you but you have to promise no more listening to what horrible people say?" He smiled and rubbed my head. "Yes I promise. I love you" I said wiping his tears away and kissing his cute nose, "I love you more princess" he smirked and kissed my lips back.

Saving my life, Danny edgeWhere stories live. Discover now