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Jades POV:
It's our last day in England so we are going to a meet up outside Buckingham Palace. As we got closer the noise got louder and louder. "What is that noise Danny?" I quizzed. "The fam" he smirked. We pulled into a car park and got out of the car, my hands began shaking, I'm so nervous. What if they don't like me? They need to know I'm a fan too! Danny grabbed my had and pulled me close, "don't worry, nothing will happen to you as long as I'm here" he whispered in my ear, I didn't reply I just kissed his soft lips and we started walking to the meet up. I saw a huge crowd of people and I could hear extremely loud screams. "Wow! There's so many people" he smiled as we started greeting the fans. "Danny!" They all screamed and sprinted over to us, "hey guys" he said in his cute voice. He started taking pictures with each person and talking to them, I helped by taking the pictures and explaining what me and Danny were. It went well into the girl from Starbucks was there, she took her picture with Danny people snatching her phone from me and whispering in my ear, "Danny's mine you slut" I was so confused and shocked, I was speechless. She walked away laughing and then turned back around and mouthed the words "I will get you" my heard starting speeding up because all of the bullying memories just flew back to me. My head went blank and my vision was blurred. Until everything turned pitch black.

Danny's POV:
"Jade!" I shouted and ran over to her, most of the fans had left now after meeting me and getting a photo. She was unconscious but still breathing. I was so worried about her, I lifted her body off the ground and carried her back to my car. I sped back to the hotel, running up the stairs to our room. Quickly, I took of her clothes down to her underwear and wrapped her up in the sheets In bed. I got in beside her and cuddled her cold body, after a few hours she fluttered her long, beautiful eyelashes and muttered "d...an..ny" she tightened her grip around me and kissed my neck. "Babe what happened? I'm so worried" I replied putting her head on my chest and began stroking her soft hair. "Some girl... She... Told me that she would get me and... She ... She said that you were hers" she muttered rubbing her forehead. What was she talking about? Maybe it was all a dream. "Are you sure this happened?" I replied before kissing her head, "yeah! That's why I fainted.. Of shock" she said sounding slightly annoyed that I asked her if she was sure. "Okay don't worry I believe you" I said.

Saving my life, Danny edgeWhere stories live. Discover now