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Danny's POV:
I rushed down the silent hallways, everyone was in class. "PICK UP" I screamed at the phone, why would Jade answer her phone?! I finally made it to my car and hopped in, speeding down the street. When I eventually reached our home i sprinted up the wooden stairs, "JADE!!!??" I called but there is no answer, omg this is all my fault. Tears streaming down my face I smashed open our bedroom door; empty. The spare bedroom; empty. What the fuck!? Omg the bathroom. I ran to the door and pulled it open, my face dropped. "OMG" I cried lifting my baby's head off the hard floor, I looked around seeing her smashed phone and a box of empty pills next to her. "What have you done" I wept, dialling 911 on my iPhone, I picked her up like a princess and made it to my car. I drove like a maniac all the way to hospital before placing her into the doctors care. And here I am right now, in the waiting room of the hospital. Just pray to god my girl is ok.... Finally I can see a young nurse approaching me, "Danny edge?" She asked while perching on the chair next to me, "yeah that's me" I said trying to smile. I followed the pretty nurse to a small, white room. It seems pretty boring, "she hasn't woke yet but you're welcome to sty as long as you like." she smiled leaving the room. "wait, where are her parents?" I called back to her hoping shed hear me. "Danny right?" I nodded in response, "you're girlfriend's parents have left her, on the files we have access to it states that they left her with a foster family when she was only 8 years old" she said slowly, sitting on the chair beside me. "omg. thanks for telling me" that is all I could think of saying... I've just found out that the girl I love with all my heart was left. all alone." my thoughts were interrupted when I heard jade's sweet voice, "I'm sorry" is all she managed to whisper before breaking down into a puddle of tears. I immediately jumped up from the uncomfortable seat and grabbed her hands. "look jade, its done okay? there is no need for you to apologize but I am going to need you to promise me something. you can never ever do this again, I cant live another day without you beautiful, I'm in love with you" she blushed and the flow of tears suddenly stopped when I kissed her wet lips and sat on the hospital bed, a doctor soon came into the room, he looked mad at something, he was old and he had horribly cut grey hair. "good afternoon jade. you will not be leaving this room until we believe that your are safe, which can be up to 4 weeks" he spat and walked straight away after he announced his speech. I glanced over to my girl, she had her face in her hands, "lets get out of this dump. lets go home" I smirked and began packing up her things, she winked back at me and quickly got dressed, "trust me" I smiled and held her cold hand tight in mine. we sprinted down the isolated hallways and down the stairs, finally making it to the reception. Jade pulled me with her to the front doors and ran out as fast as she could, "jade!!"i chuckled because she put my hand on her boob, "well I owe you don't I ?"she joked and got inside the car, "yeah you do!!" I said starting up my car, "well ill have to make it up to you tonight then baby" she put her hand on the inside of my leg making me jump. "lets just get home first" I smiled stroking her long hair

Saving my life, Danny edgeWhere stories live. Discover now