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Jades POV:
*BANG* my eyes widened as I woke to the loud noise, my ears were ringing and my head is pounding. Where am I? I looked around and saw I'm in house.. In a basement and I'm tied to a chair. What the fuck is going on?! My heart starts beating as I notice that Danny isn't with me, I try to retrace my steps.. So I was in the car and then the next minute I wake up here.. What the fuck! "Hello!!" I shout but there was no reply. Suddenly I felt a buzz in my pocket of my jeans and quickly try to grab my phone, what if it's Danny! I managed to free my hands from the poorly tied rope and pull my phone out of my pocket. "Hello" I said, "OMG your alive!" Danny said, "where are you? Jade? Are you okay" he was speaking so fast I could hardly process his words, "yeah.. Danny where are you I'm scared" I replied as a tear rolled down my cheek, I miss him already and it's been one day. "Jade, I'm fine please just tell me where you are I love..." His words were stopped when I huge baseball bat smacked into my hand and threw my phone across the room, my head dropped as the impact was so huge. "Was that lover boy? Or shall we say MY husband" a young girl spoke, with a British accent, it was her. "What... What the fuck!" I replied holding the side of my head. "That will be the last time he hears from you!" She laughed and battered my phone and I remembered that Danny must be able to hear the whole thing. "Your a crazy bitch girl" I said laughing, I'm kinda relived it's her and not some murderer. "I wouldn't be laughing, I've got a lot in store for you" she said re- tying my hands and walking back up the stairs. "Crazy hoe" I whispered to myself and started laughing, she's so stupid. What can she do lol. I hope I'll be okay...

Danny's POV:
The phone ended, I knew it! It was that crazy fan, I can't believe I just heard that... I need to find this girl. "Paul!" I shouted up to his room, hopefully he's okay. "Yeah" he groaned walking out of his room in his boxers, "you were mental last night mate" I laughed along with him, "but I think you need to sort it out with Lauren by the way," he rubbed his head and walked down the stairs, "oh yeah.. She'll come back don't worry. What about Jade? Where is she?" He replied while pouring himself some orange juice. "I don't know.. Have you heard of an British fan that is a crazy fan I mean crazy" I said sitting down with Paul, "is she a teenager ?" He said simply, "yeah about 14, do you know her?" I replied and he looked so shocked. "Hell yeah! She is a complete stalker, she used to call me I have no idea how she got my number but she would call every single day, every hour. I blocked her number she'd get a new one, she would send me mail calling herself  "Danny's wife"  and telling me to tell you she loved you and that you two will get married one day. I didn't want to scare you so I didn't tell you"  he said playing with his messy brown hair, "oh shit Paul.. Well she has Jade. Do you have her number or something? Anything." I replied getting more and more worried. "Urmm do you know what if we go back to my family home I have some mail she sent me and her address is on it because she would tell me to reply." He said standing up and putting on some tracksuit bottoms. "Let's go" I said and grabbed my keys of the side, his house is about 4 hours away so we had to leave. Now. "Pack a bag first Danny come on" he said pulling me up stairs and packing both of our stuff in a suitcase. "Okay come on seriously" I said dragging the suitcase down the stairs, "don't know if I should tell you this but.. She is bad news, she's been to a mental hospital before because of her obsession with you" Paul said, he looked genuinely worried, "well we better go then" I replied and got in the car.

Jades POV:
I heard her steps coming down the wooden stairs and my heart started speeding up. "Hello" she said loudly and walked around my chair so I could actually see her, she was holding a tray with loads of food on it. I instantly spotted the nuts in a bowl, I'm allergic like extremely allergic. "Hi" I said back, "fancy a snack?" She giggled creepily, "urm I'll have some strawberries" I said slowly while she sat down on the floor opposite me. "I think you'd like some nuts" she laughed her head off and picked up the bowl. She began throwing them and my face before standing up and coming closer, "seriously I'm allergic I can't" I said trying to get away from her, "I know that silly" she said and started pouring them all over my face, each but felt like burns over my skin. I groaned in the Pain but I had to keep my mouth shut. "Open up" she said forcefully, I just nodded my head and kept my lips sealed. All the nuts were luckily gone out of the bowl so she just huffed and stormed off upstairs, clearly disappointed that I didn't have a worse reaction. I could feel My face swelling up and it was getting real sore. "I'm not done" she shouted down and ran back to me holding a phone. She took a picture of me and then showed me it. I had a huge bright red rash all over my swollen face and tears all over my cheeks, "Danny's gonna love this" she laughed "no don't" I cried in pain. "Already sent, I get everything I want so I will do anything to get it" and then she was gone.

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