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Lauren's POV:
My head pounded from the ringing phone, "what time do you call this!" I muttered to myself grabbing my iPhone "hello" I answered without bothering to see the time or who it was, "answer you door!" It was Paul, he was laughing. "What? Why are you at my house?" I sat up in my bed and threw on one of Pauls flannel shirts he'd left at my house a few weeks ago. "It's school silly" he laughed and I heard a bang on my door, "okay Paul I'm coming hang on" I hung up the phone and ran down to the door. "Jade! You can't go to school with no pants on!" He laughed so loudly and cuddled me. "I just woke up! What time is it? I completely forgot it was Monday!" I led Paul upstairs to my room so I could get ready, "it's 8:30 We have half an hour till we need to be there. I brought you a Starbucks" he said sitting down on my bed and handing me my drink. "Awe thanks, I'll just get dressed and that and then we can go" I took off his shirt put on a bra (I'm so comfortable around him that I don't care about getting dressed with him) "sexy" he laughed when I was putting on my bra, "Paul stop" I said slapping his arm gently, "come on jade hurry its 8:45" he pushed me off him and pointed at my wardrobe "okay chill" I put a plain black t-shirt on and then Pauls shirt around my waist, I wore back leggings too and my white converse. I then quickly brushed my teeth and hair and put on some mascara and concealer. "Done" I smiled and picked up my bag, Paul looked up from his phone "beautiful" he stood up and we left my house. We jumped in Pauls car and sped off down the street to school it was already 8:55 so we can make it on time, "how comes your mum wasn't home?" Paul questioned placing his strong hand on my thigh, squeezing it gently. "Oh I haven't seen her, me and her haven't been getting along recently and I think she has been having a secret relationship with some random man in New York so she is probably there. She doesn't care about me!" I said actually remembering that my mum hasn't bothered to worry about me in a while and that I have actually been alone for the past two weeks. It never really clicked until now because she has been paying all the bills from wherever she is. "Oh well that sucks, me and Danny are moving in together in a few weeks you should come!" He said nervously, he clearly wanted me to. "Awe Paul that's so sweet of you yeah that would be great!" He smirked, "also Danny is joining our school today I forgot to tell you" I feel happy for Lauren that her and Danny have been getting on so well but I know deep down he is just using her to get to me as mean as that sounds. "Oh right, great." I say sarcastically, "why did you say it like that? What's wrong?" He said pulling his hand off me. "Oh nothing" I laughed as we pulled into school.

Danny's POV:
Me and Lauren are walking to school together, I'm actually nervous because it's my first day, "Danny I can see how nervous you are!" She laughed gripping my hand tightly, "you'll be fine trust me, I'll be with you the whole day" I thought to myself "I don't want you the whole day I want jade" but instead I replied "thanks babe" I would never want to hurt Lauren's feelings. We walked into the school gates hand in hand and spotted Paul and Jade kissing by Pauls car. "Get a room" Lauren shouted joking around and hugged Jade. "Oh hi" Jade said awkwardly to me, she must of felt this thing between me and her too. "Hey" I smiled and wrapped my arms around her but let go when Paul gave me a look. "Hi Lauren" Paul beamed and stretched his arms around her. We all walked into school together and headed for English class.

Lauren's POV:
I can't stop thinking about Paul not Danny Paul. I don't know what is wrong with me, his perfect hair, his beautiful green eyes, just Paul zimmer ahh. What am I going to do? I think I need to speak to Paul... Or do I talk to Jade first? I think Paul. I decided to text him, it read: "hey... We need to talk, I really like you. I think I love you actually. Tell me how you feel" within seconds I got a reply from Paul, "I feel the exact same way. you talk to Danny I'll talk to Jade." He simply replied. Maybe I might get exactly what I want. Paul.

Saving my life, Danny edgeWhere stories live. Discover now