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Jades POV:
We drove for about 30 minutes singing along to 5SOS on the radio until Paul stopped the car at a house. "Where are we?" I questioned, I feel like I have seen this house before... "Danny's" he smiled opening the car door so I could get out. My heart suddenly started pounding in my chest, I'm about to meet Danny edge! Danny flipping edge! I love him like I love paul.. We walked up to the front door and Paul opened it with ought knocking. "Bit rude!" I laughed as he pulled me in the warm house by my waist. "He's my brother it's cool jade come on" he called for Danny but there was no answer.. "Danny! Danny! Helloooo" Paul shouted as we stepped through his house. "He must be in the basement, come on" I followed Paul through a door and down some steps. We got down to the basement and I shivered as the cold gust of air hit my bare arms. "Here have this babe" Paul smiled, taking off his soft jacket and handing me it. How cute was he! "Awe Thankyou so much Paul" I giggled as i wrapped his comfy jumper around me, it smelt so good.

Pauls POV:
"Hey" I said to my best friend who was sitting on his leather sofa playing on his xbox. "Hey pol" he laughed, "and who's this then?" Danny pointed at the beautiful girl I was holding in my arms. "Oh I'm jade, I go to school with Paul and I actually love your videos!" She smiled, "I didn't know that!" I whispered in her ear, "well I guess we have a member of the potato family with us!" Danny laughed, getting up from his seat he removed jade from my tight grip and hugged her. "Awe Danny your so cute" she smirked clutching him back. She's mine! What the fuck.. I'm starting to get a bit jealous here... "Let's all order some pizza then yeah?" I said moodily pulling jade away from Danny. "Okay then, come on jade" Danny said, putting on his converse.

Danny's POV:
Eating a delicious slice of my favourite flavour pizza I put on a scary film. "So then are you two dating now or?" I asked jade and Paul, they were both cuddling on the sofa next to me. I'm such a third wheel lol I need a girl! "Urm... Not sure I mean I like you alot jade, we can just see what happens?" Paul spoke nervously, "yeah whatever Paul" she replied kissing his cheek. "Well that was cute af" I laughed.. "I need a girlfriend for goodness sake, who would want me!?" I said taking another bite of my pizza. "Any one would, literally I used to be a complete Danny girl but now I'm Paul sorry. I know someone! One of my friends lauren actually loves you Danny, shall I call her?" Jade said leaving Paul to find her phone. "Oh my really! Can I see a picture?" I can't believe some likes me.. Danny edge. "Yeah here" the girl on the screen was beautiful, she had cute black glasses, black hair, a nose piecing and she was wearing a nirvada shirt. She's my kinda girl! "Omg she's perfect call her!" I almost grabbed jades shoulders because i was so excited to meet this girl, "I'll try get her here but she is really shy, she'd do anything for you though danny" she laughed as she dailed a number into her phone. "Hey, I'm with panny!" There was silence and then I could hear a extremely loud scream from the other end of the phone. Me and Paul looked at eachother and laughed, however jade looked embarrassed, she'd obviously been playing it cool to Paul. "Okay yeah come now! She's on her way Danny" jade laughed, ending the call. "Omg I need to get ready!!" I sprinted up stairs so I could sort myself out!

Saving my life, Danny edgeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz