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Danny's POV:

"I love you" i smiled at my girl, i love hearing that i am actually love but it will always be hard for me to believe it. "i love you more baby" i replied watching her wrap herself up in the blanket that was over the duvet in our bed. "you show me it a lot" she giggled. "you don't need to make sneaky comments about us having sex you know" i laughed and put her warm hand on my heart, "okay okay" she joked and rested her head in my chest. "i think we should go to sleep now" she whispered as if there was other people in our house and we might wake them. "you don't have to whisper but yeah" i shouted purposely and shut my heavy eyelids...

Jade's POV:

i rushed to the bathroom after feeling a horrible feeling in my stomach, i was going to be sick. Danny ran in after me "are you okay?" he said in his croaky morning voice, "i don't want you to see me like this just get out, i'm fine" i just about managed to say it. "i'm gonna get you some water" he quickly spoke and disappeared from the bathroom, luckily i had finished puking by the time he got back so i washed my face and brushed my teeth when he finally reappeared. "here you go" he said handing me the small glass of water, i sipped it as i made my way back into our bedroom while Danny trailed behind. "What is wrong? shall i take you to the doctors?" he questioned and passed me my sweat pants and matching top, "i feel fine, but thank you for caring so much. I probably just ate something" i shrugged and put on the clothes while Danny got dressed too. "I'm just glad we have finally finished school or I'd be there all by myself today" he joked and pulled him shirt over his head, "me too. what do you wanna do today?" I asked as we stepped down the stairs together, "I am going to go to star bucks, grab anything you want. Then I'm gonna head over to dominos pick up a pizza and on the way home I'll go to the store and get your favourite film, titanic." he smiled and picked up his car keys, I watched him begin to put him converse on, "no Danny it's fine." I blushed and attempted to take his keys away. I feel so bad, it's like he's my slave! "No!" he said and snatched his keys back, "I'm going weather you like it or not. So go and sit in the living room and wait" he said softly and kissed my forehead leaving me home alone. I sat myself on the couch in the living room and flicked through my apps on my phone, when a reminder popped up.. it read "period today" I remembered setting myself reminders for every month so I knew when I would be on. "shit" I muttered and ran up to the toilet, expecting to see blood but nothing. "that's weird" I said trying to think when I was last on my period, it worked out to yesterday last month, so I should be on today... I heard a door slam and quickly rushed out of the toilet feeling confused. "hey baby" Danny shouted up the stairs as I walked towards him, "hey" I fake smiled, "pizza and movies, come on" he laughed and signalled me to come to him. "okay" I said and followed him into the living room, still thinking about my period....

Saving my life, Danny edgeWhere stories live. Discover now