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Jades POV:
"She's here quick! You answer it, I'm scared!" Danny called from the top of the stairs. "Okay, okay hang on a second" I replied as I got up from leaning on Paul, "hey Lauren" I smiled hugging my friend, "hey you okay" I could tell she was nervous as hell. "Don't worry come in, he's more nervous than you trust me" I whispered in her pierced ear, dragging her in the warm
House. Paul came to the door and wrapped his soft arms around me from behind, "you must be Lauren" he said closing Danny's front door. "Yeah I actually go to the school you just joined, I saw you earlier" she laughed following behind us down to the basement. "Oh yeah cool" Paul said as we walked down the steps. Danny was sitting on the couch on his phone I have to admit he looked so nervous, he was beautiful just like I knew him to be. "Hey Danny, I'm Lauren" she said going in for a hug, Danny's face lit up but also blushed. He gave me a funny look and signalled for me to come upstairs with him. "I'm just gonna go and get some drink come help jade?" He walked up the stairs so I trailed behind him, confused by what he wanted. "She isn't half as beautiful as you are you know" he whispered in my ear which made me have butterflies in my stomach. "Danny! Thankyou but you know I'm with Paul now yeah?" I have always been a Danny girl, why is he making this so hard for me. "Look just kiss me once now and then I'll forget about the whole thing I swear I just need to see how it is" why is he doing this? "Ugh.. Okay then just a short kiss okay" he was so irresistible. Our lips touched for a few seconds and I pulled away, "that was too short" he laughed walking to the kitchen, he started pouring lemonade into four glasses. "Well I said short Danny" I said lifting up the full glasses and walking away. That was a perfect kiss and I don't know if I preferred it to Paul's. "Hey, here" I said handing Paul a glass, "Danny's just getting yours lauren" and Danny appeared just as I mentioned his name. "Here ya go" he giggled, he's so cute when he does that! "Thanks DANNEH" she laughed and we all joined in. We chilled at Danny's for a few hours until Paul decided he wanted to take me home.

Pauls POV:
I want her to be mine no one else's just mine. She can be my girlfriend she will be. "Bye everyone" me and jade shouted in unison as we slammed the front door. "Well I wonder what they'll get up to" she laughed as we got in my car, "what time is it?" Lauren pulled out her phone and I replied,"it's 9:30pm" there was a moments silence before she shouted,"Paul I'm going to be in soooo much trouble omg!!" The distressed look on Lauren's face confused me, "what's happened?" "My mum messaged me about 20 times and I haven't seen them until now and she said that I was supposed to be home for my little sisters dance show. Oh my god Paul she is so mad at me!" I didn't really now what to suggest, my mum lets me do whatever I like really! "Well let's just get you home quickly then" I sped up the car until we reached Lauren's house. "She's not even here she's at the show so I'm just gonna go straight to bed so when she arrives home I'll be asleep" I have to see her again, I need to see her as soon as I can. "Okay, I hope it goes okay can I see you tomorrow, it's Saturday so Netflix and chill?" My heart started beating quickly I really hope she says yeah. "Wouldn't miss it for the world. Be at mine for 11" she flashed her beautiful smile and gave me a short kiss before running inside. I think This has been a case of wanting her from the minute I saw her.

Saving my life, Danny edgeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن