Is Only The Beginning

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*One Week Later*

"Captain, a vessel has appeared on the radar." Jean Bart's voice declared through the den den mushi. He narrowed his eyes, fingers instinctively tightening their hold on the medical book in his hand.

"Can you identify them yet?"

"Not at this point, but we are still advancing. I'll report when they are identified." Grabbing his hat from the desk, he glanced once more around the room to make sure nothing was left behind. Spotting four daggers resting beside his bed, he swiftly snatched them up and strapped them onto his belt.

"See that you do." Was all he said. Exiting his room, a quick glance confirmed that there were no men in the hallway. Stepping out, he turned right and made his way to the infirmary.

"Liam-ya." He said, pushing open the double doors. "How are you feeling?" The medic looked up from the toxicology book and shrugged.

"Same as yesterday. Just let me out of this bed and I'll kick Kid's ass for him." The Surgeon of Death couldn't help but smirk slightly, amused by his medic's enthusiasm. Looking once more on the clipboard at the foot of the bed, he nodded.

"Fever gone?"


"You've finished the pain medication?"


"Then you are released from my care." In an instant Liam had tossed the blanket aside and swung his legs over the side.

"Thank God..." He muttered. "I couldn't stand sitting still any longer." He hopped to the floor and grabbed his stuff from the table.

"Jean Bart-ya spotted a ship ahead of us on the island." He announced. Liam stopped dead in his tracks and looked suspiciously at the Captain.

"Is it Kid?" Now it was his turn to shrug.

"Still waiting on confirmation." With narrow eyes, Liam continued out the door.

A few seconds later, the den den mushi rang in his jacket pocket. Pulling it out, he answered.


"We've confirmed the ship to be the Kid Pirates." Law grinned wolfishly.

"Perfect." He hung up the snail phone.


"Fifteen men on a dead man's chest,

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.

Drink and the Devil had done for the rest,

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!"

Summer cracked open an eye, gazing blearily into the dark as the crew partied on the deck above. Dimly, she could make out the lyrics to the song.

"The mate was fixed with a bosun's pike,

The bosun brained will a marlinspike.

And cookey's throat was marked belike."

The headache that had plagued her over the past week now returned with a fiery passion, pounding against her skull like a hammer. There were no port holes in the hull like the sub had, so she had no way of knowing if it was day or night. If the crew was singing songs, most likely drunk, then it was probably late at night.

"It had been gripped by fingers ten,

And there they lay all good dead men.

Like break o' day in a boozin' ken,

Desires of Men ~SEQUEL TO THE LIFE I LIVE~Where stories live. Discover now