When The Opportunity Arises

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*Two Days Later*

Things were beginning to return to normal, much to everyone's relief. The general atmosphere was lively, as it had been before, but with a new sense of pride and happiness. Summer had returned, and with her the higher quality of food. Casper wasn't so hard-pressed in the kitchen and so filling and better meals were once again served.

Men who usually kept to their own groups talked to her now, and she really got to know most of the crew. They were kind and sympathetic, but she waved off any pity that came her way, instead directing the conversation to what the Heart Pirates had done during her absence. She asked about the conman who Law had cheated, after they'd mentioned it. She was rather pleased that Law had taken advantage of the situation as he had. She hated liars and cheats.

As it was, Law still had yet to tell her about James and how he'd given them information to her whereabouts. He supposed he should, seeing as he hadn't had time to explain when he'd found her. She deserved to know.

But not yet. Right now, she looked too happy serving the dishes of food to all the pirates for dinner. They thanked her when they received their food, joked and laughed in between. She disappeared and reappeared several times as she served.

Bringing him his food, she didn't glare or scowl when she approached, something Law thought was interesting. She usually made it very obvious, albeit usually sarcastically, that she didn't want to be in the company of the captain. But today, she seemed very cheerful. Law, however, just couldn't resist ruffling her feathers. He ran a hand through his hair in anticipation, setting his hat down on the table in the process.

Setting the plate in front of him, Summer was about to turn away but he caught her arm. He leaned in, and her eyes widened at his proximity.

"Summer-ya, what is the meaning of this?" He pointed to the plate, which had a dreaded bread roll placed on the edge. She glanced down at it, before looking up with a shrug.

"It's food." She stated, and he shook his head.

"Need I remind you that I do not eat bread? I'm afraid I can't eat this now." He pushed it away a little, hoping to see her face turn red from anger.

Sadly, it did not.

"Perfect." She only smirked, picking the plate back up and raising it above her head. Turning to the rest of the crew, who was watching in curiosity, she raised her voice.

"Who wants seconds?" Immediately, everyone's hands shot up, trying to raise higher than the rest to get her attention.

"Summer-chan, I'm so hungry!" "Please, I need it most!" "Your cooking is wonderful, Summer-chan. I want more of it!" The shouts filled the air, and Law glanced around in irritation. He could tolerate the usual noise, but this was just ridiculous.

"You did that on purpose." He muttered, and she smirked.

"Not entirely to spite you, it still holds a purpose." She continued, and Law frowned in confusion. "Payback to someone else too." She winked, turning to address the others.

"Whoever can find the light blue bra that was stolen out of my drawer last night, and tells me who's room it was in, gets it!" Without further guidance, the men rushed out of the room and into the hallway, intent on finding her article of clothing. The mess deck was emptied in seconds, with Reid and Liam lazily walking out to follow the others.

Summer turned to Law, who was smirking at her. "You know exactly who took it." He guessed, and she only raised her eyebrows, placing the plate on a nearby table.

"Who, me? Why, I have no idea who could have done such a thing." She feigned innocence, and Law's smirk widened. He was willing to bet that the culprits were Penguin and Shachi, as they were the only ones brave-or stupid- enough to chance facing the wrath that Summer could unleash lest her room be violated. Of course, the two engineers were quite good at convincing their crew mates to join in on their pranks.

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