The Con and the Captain

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The next morning, it became apparent just what sort of island Ortygia was. The Heart Pirates awoke to the loud commotion of fanfare. Trumpets and drums shrieked. Bells rang. A choir sang in perfect harmony. It was all so loud, and Law awoke with a devil's glare. He'd managed to get a few hours of much-deserved sleep but now he was being very rudely awoken at...he glanced quickly at the clock on the bedside table...5:30 in the morning?

"What on earth is that noise?" He asked Bepo, who rolled over and glanced out the window to the street below. Drawing the curtains to the side just an inch, the first mate took in the sight of a parade or something of that sort.

Below, acrobats tumbled and spun in the streets. Drummers formed perfect lines down the street, followed by the trumpeteers. The choir took up the front, dressed in robes of sheer white. Behind the whole procession, a man on a large chair being carried by six other men was robed in cloth of purples and rich reds.

"I think the king is coming down from the castle." The bear said. Rolling over with a groan, Law sighed heavily.

"Of course there's a king. Why else would this island seem so nice..." The news of a king would surely make their stay more difficult. Law had always found that royalty was demanding and a nuisance. So much for a little bit of rest.

"Bepo, get the others up. Obviously something is going on."


Several minutes later, with the men grumbling about their sudden awakening, Law led them outside where a large crowd of people gathered around the central square. Looking around at the citizens, this sort of thing wasn't too uncommon. There were passive expressions and small children didn't wonder at the sight of their king, meaning they saw him frequently.

"Hear, hear!" An official-looking steward proclaimed, gaining the attention of those present. "An announcement from the Royal House of Farraday!"

The man unfurled a parchment and read the contents. "Her Highness the Queen is in the last few days of her pregnancy and a celebrational festival will be held on the day of the birth!" Around them, the wives chattered excitedly in low tones, the children happy because the word 'festival' came up in the announcement. Law, personally, was unhappy by this news. He had hoped their stay on the island would be uneventful and quiet.

"His Highness the King has a few words." The man stepped back and the older gentleman on the chair rose from his seated position. He brought his hands wide.

"My people, these days are surely to be the happiest of my life. I wish to share these wonderful events with you. For the next few days, I ask that you prepare for the arrival of my son or daughter. It should be a joyous occasion! Therefore, taxes will be withheld for a few days until after the birth!"

A cheer went up through the people, mostly from the men at the mention of no taxes for awhile. With that, the King took his seat once more and the fanfare commenced. The whole procession turned in place and made their way up the road, presumably towards the unseen castle.

Within a few minutes, the noise reduced and the crowd dispersed. Townspeople headed towards their daily jobs and talked animatedly about the upcoming child to the royal family. Law was about to go back inside the inn and get food for his men, but a strange sight stopped him.

A man, visibly agitated, stayed where the crowd was. He paced back and forth, pulling on his hair and muttering quietly. Nonchalantly walking closer to the man, he heard his whispering strange things under his breath.

"How? I need the money and quick, but this might throw things through a loop. How am I supposed to get noticed now? What to do, what to do..."

Law narrowed his eyes, wondering what it was that the man was saying. A part of him told him not to get involved, it would be more trouble than it was worth. The other half was curious, and his curious side almost always won out.

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