Sweet Revenge

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Summer didn't know what to expect when Law mentioned a secret. He hadn't offered up any details really, disappearing into the bathroom. The little he'd given her only conjured up pictures of...her face turned beet red. Shaking it quickly, she berated herself for thinking such dirty thoughts. The tattoos adorning his chest and back were rather attractive, the way his lean body accentuated every black mark...

'Baka, Summer, Baka!'

After the initial feeling of shock and horror, she hesitantly rose from bed and slipped out the door. Thankfully no one was in the hall, and she was able to get to her room without incident. Putting on a fresh set of clothes, and brushing out her bed head, she returned to his room in time to see him walk out of the bathroom fully dressed. She ignored the pang of disappointment at not being able to see his tattoos anymore.

"I've been meaning to show you the past few days." He mentioned, placing his spotted hat on his head and leading her out into the hall.

"What is it?" She tried asking, but he only smirked in reply. Sighing, she blew a piece of hair out of her face. "Forgot you were a stubborn ass."

His smirk widened. Her scowl deepened.

"This way." He turned left down the hall, heading to one of the storage halls. Her confusion grew, as she saw no reason to be down there. Their footsteps were loud in this part of the sub, as it was deep on the inside. She was willing to be not many people walked down here often. He stopped in front of the last door on the left, looking back to her with a sadistic gleam in his eyes as he gripped the knob.

"Something tells me I'm gonna like what's through that door." She muttered, recognizing her own dark side rearing up. If he was excited, it usually meant she would enjoy whatever was to come.

"Most definitely." He growled, throwing open the door. Summer walked through into the pitch black room, trusting whatever was in front of her. The door behind her closed, and her Captain threw on the lights.

What she saw made her gasp.

"I'll kill you all!" Viper cried, struggling against the restraints attached to all his limbs, which were separated individually by Law's power. He was pinned to a large metal slab. The body parts were arranged anatomically, though several inches apart from each piece of him. She struggled against the straps, but Law's ability drained his strength by several notches, and he was incapable of freeing himself. His chest had a hole where his heart would be.

Several feet in front of him was a pedestal. On top was a cube-shaped object covered by a cloth. It pulsed slightly.

"We attacked his ship a few days before reaching the island." Law's quiet voice explained just behind her, and she stared in morbid fascination at what used to be her living nightmare. He gently pushed her up to the pedestal, and giving her another sadistic smirk, he lifted the cloth away, revealing the still-beating heart underneath.

"You'll wish you never escaped that lab when I get through with you!" Viper screamed, baring his teeth in an unsightly manner. The two pirates ignored him.

Summer's smile widened beyond what would be considered normal, her excitement no longer able to be contained. "This is all from your powers?" She asked in hushed tones.

"While you were away, I experimented with ways to use my ability. It garnered surprising and...satisfying results." He purred, and she shared his pride. Viper continued to try to grab one of them but he was completely attached to the metal slab and too far away.

Reverently picking up the heart, she turned it this way and that, inspecting all its surfaces. The rhythmic beating only added to her desire to squeeze it. Law seemed to register the blackness in her eyes because he gestured to Viper.

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