A Gift

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"If my calculations are correct, and if you haven't hit any severe storms along the way, you should be arriving in a few days or so." The man's voice replied from the den den mushi, and Viper smirked.

"Yeah, no problems getting here. Passenger's been bright as a daisy, too."

"I highly doubt that." The snail raised an eyebrow. "Based on her behavior, she will attempt an escape as soon as she sees or sets foot on the island." Viper chuckled deep in his chest.

"Oh, I assure you, she will. And I'll be there to drag her back to where she belongs."


Below deck, Summer, halfway through a set of push ups, had the sudden urge to sneeze. Her nose curled and she sneezed loudly, disrupting the guard of her cell. He banged against the metal bars in irritation.

"Quiet down in there!"

Shaking her head, she went back to her exercise, ignoring the beads of sweat getting into her eyes.


"Fleet Admiral Sakazuki!" A Marine cadet exclaimed from behind the office door. The man in question looked up briefly from reports detailing the defensive strength regarding outreaching branches. Incessant knocking began to pervade his conscious, preventing him from focusing on the task at hand. Narrowing his eyes, he set the paper down with a puff from his cigar.

"Enter." He called in a gruff voice. Immediately, the young man burst through the door, hat slightly askew, with several papers in hand. His face was flushed.

"Fleet Admiral, there's something you should see." He huffed out, clearly out of breath, either from running the whole way or from shouting constantly, Sakazuki couldn't tell. Taking the cigar from his lips and crushing it in the small ashtray beside him on the table, he made no move to stand.

"What is it that so badly requires my attention?" He hated when payroll was wasted, especially his. If there was someone else perfectly fit to do the job, he believed they should be the ones accomplishing it.

The cadet looked back nervously, shifting on his feet with eyes that didn't rest on anything for too long.

"Well? Out with it." Sakazuki pressed with a growl. Wasting time...

"T-there's...a box...out at the front gates." Sakazuki arched an eyebrow.

"A box?" He stood, finding his curiosity beginning to stir. "And what is in this box, Cadet Yotume?" He asked, reading the man's name off of his nametag. At the sound of his name, the man slightly jumped. It was very intimidating to be standing the presence of the Fleet Admiral, after all.

"We...don't know. There was a letter that said it was to be opened...only by you." He glanced up, gauging his superior's reaction. He seemed to be pondering something, but then quickly stood and walked towards him.

"Show me." He gruffly ordered. With a quick salute, the cadet swallowed.

"Yes, sir."

There, washed up on the shore in front of Marine Headquarters and surrounded by wary Marines, was a large, wooden crate. The outside was nondescript, but the size alone was suspicious. Sakazuki once again narrowed his eyes. Several Marines around him whispered nervously.

Upon approaching the large box, Sakazuki noticed a small, white envelope attached to the outside. It was wrapped in a plastic covering, most likely to prevent the ocean from ruining the message it held. On the front the name "FLEET ADMIRAL" was printed in bolded letters. As he stepped up to inspect it, several men stepped back, as if preparing for something to spring from the box.

Desires of Men ~SEQUEL TO THE LIFE I LIVE~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu