Maybe Hell's Not So Bad

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An overwhelming sense of panic set in, her whole body tense with fear.

'Is there...someone in there?' She wasn't sure she wanted an answer.



'I...I...don't understand...' Her thoughts leapt from one conclusion to another, heart rate beating a mile a minute. White dots started to edge into her vision and her limbs shook from shock. She gazed down at her shaking fingers, seeing them a little differently for the first time.

'Who...are you? What are you?'

'Child, do not panic.' The voice said, and instantly her senses began to dull, the sensations she'd been reeling in slowly faded until she was relatively back to normal. Her heart wasn't beating so fast and her breathing had returned to a steady rhythm. Her eyes flicked to the door, making sure there wasn't someone witnessing this event. Though, nothing was happening physically.

'Who are you?' She questioned again, and this time a feeling of peace overtook her. She calmed down considerably.

'I am called Nemesis. As to what I am, that is a bit more difficult to explain.'

In place of the fear, anger began to seep into her calm persona.

'Well, at least try to explain.' She crossed her arms over her chest, slowly coming to terms with what was happening.

'Ok, some being is trapped inside my head and I'm officially going insane and I don't know what to do and...'

'I can hear your rambling thoughts. Please be calm. It is quite distracting.'

Summer facepalmed. Of course the thing inside of her could hear her thoughts...

'Alright...' She tried to keep her mind from losing control again. The last thing she wanted to do was piss off the being inside her. Who knows what it had the capability of doing? 'So...Nemesis, was it? What exactly are you doing inside my head?'

'To tell you the reason, you must know the beginning of my story.'

Summer glanced around at her cell. There wasn't really any place to sit comfortably for long periods of time, as she felt that this story was going to be a long one. Deciding that the best place would be her makeshift bed, no more than a few blankets thrown on top of each other, she lowered herself down and prepared to listen.

'Just start from the beginning.'

'Very well...'


Many centuries ago, on an island that no longer exists, there lived a very powerful tribe of native peoples. These people were known for their kind hearts and great weaponsmithing. They lived on the land they inhabited, never taking more than they needed. Spirits of ancestors and gods past lived in delicate balance with their love of nature. We were immortal, but we did perish by physical means.

They were a very superstitious people, believing in tales from old wives to curses from angry spirits. We protected the mortals of the earth, but they knew only vaguely of our existence. Natural disasters were the effects of our quarrels. Rain was our sorrowful tears. The sun reflected our happiness. They lived in peace with other peoples, but they were among the most prominent and feared.

These tribal warriors were fearless, strategic at heart, and quite terrifying. Thousands died by their weapons. Their land and culture were kept safe by their protection. I was one such warrior.

Desires of Men ~SEQUEL TO THE LIFE I LIVE~Where stories live. Discover now