Victory Comes At A Price

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"In the Grand Line I've done my time!,

Hurrah for the Grand Line!

In the Grand Line I've done my time,

Hurrah for the Grand Line!"

Viper watched his men sing and get drunk, throwing empty beer bottles around and swinging to the sound of their voices.

"The Grand Line ships are good and true,

Hurrah for the Grand Line!

They are the ships for me and you,

Hurrah for the Grand Line!"

Viper's grin widened, watching as the cook tried to balance on a beer keg. After already having a number of alcoholic drinks, his coordination wasn't top notch, and naturally he fell flat onto his back to the delight of the rest of the men.

"For one there was a Grand Line ship,

Hurrah for the Grand Line!

That fourteen knots an hour could slip,

Hurrah for the Grand Line!"

The captain turned back inside his quarters, eyes set on the stack of beli that rested on the table. Taking it in his hands, he run his fingers across the top, greedily licking his lips at all the exotic women and foreign sake he could buy with just the one stack. But oh, if the rest of the deal was still active, he'd be called to take her out to sea again. Which meant more money. Which also meant more women and booze.

"Hehehehehe!" He chuckled aloud, tossing the beli back onto the table, before going back to look at the window. His men were still singing on the deck, dancing badly but not caring for the life of them.

His crew was facing towards him, or they were just too drunk, and so they didn't see the numerous strangers standing at the bow. His grin instantly vanished, replaced instead with a snarl of anger. It was that damn Supernova!


"Ready?" Law asked the waiting men, all of them set in determined stances. Nodding, Law raised his hand to chest level. "Room." He spoke, and the familiar swirling blue circle appeared, rapidly growing larger until they could no longer see the edges. Law raised two fingers, turning them towards him. "Shambles!"

The whole company felt a tight shifting, like their body was one place and their soul in another. They were used to it, however, and shook off the initial discomfort. The surroundings switched. The hot submarine was nowhere to be found, and they were instantly blinded by the sun. Finding themselves on the deck of Viper's ship, they were surprised to see some kind of party going on.

The men danced, drank, sang awfully off key, and didn't appear to notice them at all.

"Well, this'll be easy." Parker said. He exchanged glances with Blake, and they both shrugged.

One after another, the enemy crew slowly started to notice their presence. There were many looks of surprise, which quickly turned to confusion, and finally settled on anger.

"Who the hell're you?" One of them slurred, pointing a finger in their general direction. Law unsheathed his nodachi, and rested the point into the ground.

"Viper-ya!" He shouted, eyes scanning those present for any sign of the man. "Are you too much of a coward to come fight me yourself?" The direct insult to their captain made the partiers all the more furious.

"I'll show you a coward!" One of the crewmen shouted, pulling a pistol from his waist and aiming it towards Law.

A gunshot rang out, but it wasn't from Viper's man. Glancing sideways, Law smirked. The smoke from Blake's pistol slowly dissipated in the wind, and he lowered his weapon.

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