The New World

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Mona woke up without being able to move her body. Eyes flying open, she struggled against the ropes restraining her. She was in a small room, more like a broom closet than anything else. A single empty chair faced her. Behind it was a door.

She was panicking, her breathing and heart rate going a million miles an hour. One light bulb swung lazily back and forth to the movement of the ship. Wait, the walls were metal? Ah, she must be on the Heart Pirates' submarine.

"Dammit..." She muttered, clenching her fists in anger. It was just her luck to be captive on a pirate ship. What's worse, the Heart Pirates. She was sure the girl was somewhere aboard. Maybe they would have her torture her, or maybe the Surgeon of Death himself would finish her off. Did polar bears eat humans? Maybe he would maul her to death and then eat the meat from her bones? The thought made her shudder.

Should she call out? No, that would only make things worse. Better to have them think she was still unconscious. Just think things through for now...

'My heart!' She thought, and her gaze instantly directed itself to her chest. A plunge of fear went through her when she saw the hole was still present through her body. How was this possible, for her heart to be removed from her body? She was still breathing right? This was still life? Or was this some sick version of hell?

'Am I dead?' There weren't any sounds around her other than a low rumble in the distance somewhere. It vibrated mutely, and she felt it through the chair and the floor. 'No, I can't be dead. is this possible?'

She couldn't move her hands since they were strapped to the armrests of the chair. She wanted to see if it all wasn't an illusion, just some trick that there was a hole through her chest. Without the use of her hands, this was impossible. Frustration was filling her head.

'Why is it that pirates are allowed free reign? God, what kind of sick plan have you in this world? Shouldn't the good always prevail?'


"What's in the chest?" Kid asked, eyeing the ordinary wood box tucked under Law's arm. The bear carried his sword for him, following loyally behind the Captain. With a shrug, Law passed by the redhead.

"Maps, tide charts, current markers...navigation stuff. I thought it would be useful. Would you like to see?" He stopped and was about to open it up. Kid came up and looked inside, taking in the several maps stuffed on top. Law's eyes stared at him in amusement. Kid's expression wasn't amused.

"Whatever, keep the damn papers. I don't have any need for them."

"Suit yourself." The Captain disappeared in their borrowed room, along with the bear. When the door shut, Kid shook his head and headed towards the kitchen.

"Still gives me the creeps." He muttered.


"Bepo, I want you guarding the door. If anyone approaches, let me know."

"Aye, Captain." Bepo set his captain's sword against the wall and sat in front of the door, preventing anyone from opening it. Law set the chest on the ground. Opening it, he threw the decoy maps to the side and took out the folders labeled CLASSIFIED. They were crisp creme paper stuffed to the brim with white sheets. His calculating mind was salivating at the thought of this secret information. He'd always wondered what secrets Summer had behind her sweet persona and deadly glances. Now, he'd find out.

Inside the first folder was a newspaper article, dated the 22nd of December. In fact, it was the same article that he had seen in his own archive when Summer went missing.


Setting it to the side, he picked up the next paper. It was Summer's first wanted poster, the one he had showed her when she snuck aboard their ship. Next in the stack was her current wanted poster. However, below that, a missing person's poster with her picture stared up at him.

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