Lame-Ass Jokes

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"Liam! Please let me out! Law doesn't have to know!" Summer banged against the door, knowing full well the medic was standing on the other side. If there was one thing Summer hated, it was being ignored. Which he was doing right now, saying nothing in reply to her calls.

"Tch. I'm fine! There's nothing wrong with me!" Her hands pounded the wood door at a faster pace, echoing down the hallway. "You're all a bunch of jerks, the lot of you!" Despite her irritation of being locked in the infirmary, she still laughed. They may be jerks, but they were her jerks, and she still loved them. And then something popped into her head, and she started giggling.

"Sorry Summer, Captain's orders." Liam said, he couldn't stay silent with her for long, giving a chuckle of his own. Her laughter was infectious. "What's so funny anyway?" His curiosity getting the better of him.

"I...just thought of...a joke!" She said between fits of giggling. She sat against the door, her back leaning up against it.

"Let's hear it." Came Liam's voice. Trying to get her laughing under control she cleared her throat.

"Ok, does an octopus go to war?" She got out, and Liam shook his head in amusement.

"I don't know. How?"

"Well-armed!" She finished, then bust out laughing behind the locked door. The joke itself was dumb, but Summer's laugh was funnier, which sent Liam into a fit of it as well.

"What's it called when you give money to a bison?" She asked. "Pfft, a buffa-loan!"

"Hahahaha!" He doubled over, trying to catch his breath, but Summer kept laughing and it just made it all funnier.

"Wait, I have another one!" She shrieked. "Why did the cookie go to the hospital?"

"Why?" Summer couldn't contain herself, and she started laughing again.

"Because he felt crummy!"

The two burst out another round of the giggles. The jokes were so stupid but it didn't matter in the end really. Liam found he couldn't stand, and he sat on the ground to try to regain himself again. It failed, obviously.

"Stop!" He shouted, wiping tears from his eyes. "My side hurts!"

"My face hurts from smiling!" Summer said, who was now laying on the floor from laughter. They both held their sides as the muscles on their sides ached from use.

"Now I've got one!" Liam said, calmed down enough to speak.

"What is it?" He cleared his throat.

"Did you hear about the fire in the circus?"

"No. What about it?" She giggled, anticipating the punchline.

"It was in tents!" He finished, which set her off once more.

"You're gonna kill me Liam!" She cried, curling up on the floor. They were both wailing, making quite a commotion, but most of the crew was in the mess deck and didn't hear them.


An hour or so later, way past when the two had laughed themselves out entirely, Law came around to let Summer out of the room. He found Liam sitting on the floor with his back to the door, and he raised an eyebrow as he approached.

"Sleeping on the job?" Liam quickly rose to his feet, brushing down his uniform.

"Ah, no Captain. Just keeping Summer company."

"Is my sentence finally up? Am I free? Oh, thank the lord above!" She called from behind the door. Shaking his head, he wasn't much surprised by the strange antics of his crew anymore, he moved to unlock the door. As soon as it clicked, Summer burst through, intending to speed down the hall before anyone could stop her. Fast as lightning, Law's hand reached out and grabbed her arm before she could escape.

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