Mrs Euphemia Potter

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At the door, they met Euphemia who took Ari's hands and said, "I've been wanting to meet you all summer! How are you, Arianna?"

"I... I'm fine. Thank you. How... how are you?"

"Fine." Smiled Lizzie as she pulled Ari after her as the boys followed.

"I knew she'd do that." Said James.

"Poor Ari." Commented Sirius.

They entered the main Hall.
"Are you hungry, Arianna?" Asked Mrs Potter.

"No." She replied, still flustered by such a greeting.

"Alright. But you should rest." Said Lizzie, sweetly. "Sirius. Show her the room, okay?"

At this, she finally let go of Ari's wrist. Sirius took her up the corridor.

Ari rubbed her wrist. Lizzie had a strong grip.

Sirius snickered. "She did the same things when I came. She was so sweet to me. It's going to be more intense in your case. She's been waiting for you all summer. She worked a lot on the room."

They came into another hall. On both sides of the lobby were two rooms each. One was in the middle. Just in front of the lobby.

Sirius pointed to the door on their right. The one with the snitch carved onto it. "That's James' room." He pointed to the door in front of it. The one with the lion on it. "That's mine."

He pointed to the first door on the left. It had a wand on it. "Wormtail's. But he doesn't come often." He pointed to the door in front of it. It had the Whomping Willow on it. "Remus'. He'll come next week. He's still recovering from the full moon, earlier this week."

He pointed to the room in front of them. The one that brought a dead end to the corridor. It had a ring of flames on it.
"That's yours. You'll love it... you should rest. We'll call you later."

He turned and walked away. Ari opened the door and entered the room.

It was large and spacious. There was a bed (Shaped like a lion. The sheet looked like fur), a dressing table, a chair and a small desk.

On one corner, was the attached the bathroom. And the other corner was the wardrobe. In front of it, her trunks were stacked.

She unpacked quickly. She hanged her clothes in the cupboard. Put her books and pincushion on the desk and settled her accessories on the dressing table.

Then, she sat down on the bed. Back resting against the pillow, she closed her eyes and abruptly fell asleep.

She woke up due to a tap on the door. She straightened her dress and opened her door.

James was standing there. "Mom's calling you for tea."

She nodded and held up a finger for him to wait.

Door ajar, she washed her face, brushed her face and then, returned to James.

"Slept well?" He asked as they walked down the corridor.

"I was tired." She smiled. "I walked 4 miles, climbed a mountain and jumped rocks."

They took a turn and entered a dining room. Ari sat down in front of Lizzie, between James and Sirius.

Tea was a nice affair. Lizzie asked a lot of questions. But Ari had all the answers.

The girls were just talking but the boys were being entertained.

Life at Potter Manor would be great.

A/N. So Jo revealed that Mr and Mrs Potter weren't Charlus and Elizabeth but FLEAMONT and EUPHEMIA. I'll use these from now on.

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