Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

-F/N's P.O.V-

After a week of training with Neji, he said I was ready to try Gentle Fist. "Remember, concentrate the Chakra into your hands, then hit anywhere on my body, okay?" I nodded and closed my eyes. Concentrate...concentrate...concentrate! When I felt as if I was okay, I lunged at Neji and got him right in between his elbow on the inside. Neji grunted in pain. "Very nice F/N-Chan."

"Th-Thanks Neji-Kun!" I hugged him and he held me. "I'll get to graduate now, all thanks to you."

"W-Well Uzumaki helped a bit, right?" My gaze turned disgusted as I shook my head. "I see...then let me take you out for dinner some day, okay?"

I nodded. "I'd like that." We both blushed and continued talking throughout the day. "Hinata-San seems like me in a lot of ways..."

"Yes, Hinata-Sama is, but she is very talented. I'm sure you are too F/N." He smiled at me and kissed my cheek with a blush. I can't say I wasn't blushing either.

"Tomorrow is gonna be graduation... You'll have to come and see me in my ninja-wear!"

Neji chuckled and nodded. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Don't say that. If we were under attack you better miss it." I gave him a stern but joking look. We both laughed and walked to the Hyuuga household. "Hinata-Chan!"

"F-F/N-Chan!" Hinata and I hugged with smiles. "How'd it go?"

"Amazing! Neji-Kun taught me how to use Gentle Fist and I did it!" We clapped and I hugged Neji again. "Best teacher ever!"

"I wouldn't say the best but thanks." Neji blushed and hugged back. "We were on our way to dinner so please excuse us Hinata-Sama."

Hinata nodded and smiled softly. "Of course."


After an hour or two, we were done eating and we left to go home. Both of us talked on the way - which was thirty minutes - and held hands as we moved farther. "Neji, I have to confess. I really enjoy being near you." I spoke up.

"And I, with you." Neji smiled and kissed my cheek. "Let's keep training tomorrow."

"After my graduation right?" I chuckled and kissed his cheek back. Neji and I laughed, which it was rare for him to laugh.

It didn't take long for tomorrow to come. With sleep and training, it felt almost as if time had only passed one second. There was a knock on my door as the sun started rising. I was already half dressed so I quickly finished by putting on my ninja outfit which was similar to Hinata-Chan's, well she did give them to a gift to me. It was a beautiful purple longsleeve shirt with black spandex capris and white shorts over the spandex. She knew me very well.

When I finished getting dressed I ran to the door with my sack of ninja kunai and throwing stars along with my black bandana in hand, it was my spaceholder for the ninja band we get. I wrapped it around my forehead and opened the door. "Hello?"

"Oh wow..." Neji looked at me with wide eyes. "Hinata-Sama sure did give you a nice outfit! Just as I would expect from her."

My cheeks grew red and I hid my face. "Neji! That's not funny! I'm trying to stay serious, not cute!" I grabbed my bag with my summoning scrolls. I can summon any animal imaginable and every weapon. That was the only talent I had before Neji started teaching me. "Ready to be my date?" I teased, but Neji nodded with a small smile.

"Of course." He held out his hand which I gladly took. "After you, the best shinobi that is around."

I blushed worse and went out my door first. "O-Okay... You say so, I'm nothing special, like a user of Byakugan..."

"Maybe not, but being able to use Gentle Fist effectively without having the Byakugan is pretty amazing. I wouldn't be able to without it. You are the first person ever able to do that." Neji said as we walked. For him to compliment me, it means more than anything else in the world.

"Okay, but promise you'll help me learn how to use Chidori and Rasengan, because that idiotic Naruto can't. Oh, maybe Kakashi will teach me!" I smiled and began to fantasize. "But then again...I can't contr-"

"You can control your chakra. Very well actually, that's what Gentle Fist is all about."

"Neji-Kun..." I smiled and nodded. "Okay! I'll try it! I mean, my chakra nature is lightning and water..." I smiled more. "Maybe I'll learn to change it to wind! What do you think?"

"If you can do that, I'll teach you how to do Trigrams to the best of my ability." Neji chuckled.

"Then that's what we are doing!" I clapped.

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