Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"And finally, our last graduate; L/N F/N!" Iruka-Sensei announced as I walked out of the crowd. I could see Neji and Hinata clapping for me and Kakashi-Sensei watching my movements. "Please give all the shinobi a round of applause!" All the graduating shinobi bowed. I stuck out like a sore thumb, saying as how I was the same age as Neji and was just now graduating.

We quickly were dismissed and I hugged Neji. "Thank you so much Neji!"

He held me close. "No problem, now...let me put your head band on for you." Neji took the shiny head band and slowly wrapped it under my H/C hair and tied it, leaving the leaf symbol on my forehead. "Oh look beautiful!"

I blushed and Hinata tapped my shoulder. "F/N-Chan, Iruka-Sensei wants to talk to you."

"Thanks Hinata-Chan!" I smiled and ran to him. "You called?"

"Yes, I want you to try the chunin exams for this year. Your progress is extraordinary and I think even Uzumaki would have trouble fighting you." Iruka-Sensei smiled at me.

"A-Are you sure?! I mean it was hard for Neji, I don't think I can!" My heart was racing. I could hear the thumping in my cranium.

"He's not done teaching you. I'll give you one month to learn a new Jutsu, then if you know it perfectly, you'll be entered, okay?"

I nodded quickly and ran back to Neji. "I need you to start training me right now! Iruka-Sensei wants me to be in the chunin exam!"

Neji chuckled. "How long?"

"One month. Neji what if I can't learn it without the Byakugan?" A tear slid down my cheek and he wiped it away.

"You'll be able to, trust me."

I nodded. Neji always told me the truth. He believed in me, and that's all I needed. He led me to his training area and we instantly began. He showed me where all the main chakra points were on a diagram, marking them and showing me where to hit and how. After he taught me this we retired for the night.

Three days went by and I could hit most of the points perfectly, but my fingers were still too high or low. Neji kept trying to show me how straight my fingers had to be, he told me it was like using gentle fist. Of course, I practiced on a doll Kankuro controlled. He often helped when it came to chakra points.

After a week Neji had me try to do it blindfolded. I took deep breaths and concentrated on locating Neji's chakra points. He had a protective layer of clothing on so he wouldn't get hurt. We tried several times. Day and night, day and night. Another three days flew by before I could do it. Neji was surprised at how fast I learned, but I had to thank him. He was the reason why, at least that was the main reason.

"But this technically isn't a new Jutsu for's just putting gentle fist to use." I sighed.

Neji sat down and I sat with him. "We need to start teaching you to try and use wind natured chakra. That way we can start trigrams. Remember that was the one requirement I am asking for." He smiled.

I nodded and grabbed a leaf. "Naruto told me this trick, try and cut the leaf with the chakra!" I slowly began to squeeze it and concentrate. Nothing happened. "It's okay, it'll take some practice, right?"

Neji nodded and watched.


Time ticked by and there was one week left. Neji was fast asleep and I screamed in happiness.

"What?! What happened?! Are you okay?!" Neji ran to me.

I nodded and showed him the leaf. It was perfectly sliced in half. "I did it!"

Neji smiled and pulled me into a hug. During those few weeks Neji had confessed to me and we started dating. I was ecstatic. He pulled away. "Okay, ready for trigrams? It's gonna be extremely hard to learn, but if you use shadow clones, you should be able to complete the eight trigrams within a week."

I nodded. If Naruto could make a new Jutsu by using shadow clones, I can learn the eight trigrams! "Okay! Wanna start now?"

"Of course, but one warning, don't strain your chakra. You don't possess the Byakugan so it'll be extremely hard if you try without being relaxed enough. Let you chakra flow naturally."

I nodded once again and went in the position he goes in, concentrating my chakra flow to only my palms and my feet. Slowly I closed my eyes and felt my body feel like it was floating. "This must be it..." I slid my foot to the side in a semi-circle and smiled. "Eight palms trigram!" I began to hit my chakra hands once, then twice, then four times, then eight. I did it on my first try.

"How did you...?" Neji was so surprised. "That's impossible. With just you and no byakugan..." He stampered. "Don't tell me it's the chakra I sensed..."

"Huh? Chakra? What are you talking about, don't I have just normal chakra?" I looked just as confused as him and Hinata came running with Naruto and Tsunade. "What's going on?"

"Oh thank goodness... Hinata, thank you for warning me that it was leaking. Naruto, you aren't of service today, please go home, both of you." Tsunade-Sama said with a sigh.

"Just what the hell is going on?!" I yelled slightly.

Neji used his byakugan and looked shocked. "That's...a red..."

"Yes. It's that one." Tsunade looked at Neji who looked a bit scared.

"How is that possible?! I mean it does explain a lot..." Neji sighed and hugged me. "Limit your chakra use please."

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