Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Third Person Omniscient

"This chakra, it's not a Tailed Beast that was ever reported to attack a which could it be? All nine have a Jinchuriki, it's impossible for her to have one!" Tsunade looked stressed, which was understandable.

Naruto was looking down and put his hand on his stomach. "She's a Jinchuriki and we never knew. Does F/N know?" He spoke quietly.

"We don't think she is aware but we can't rule out the possibility that she is." Kakashi spoke up. "It would explain her not needing byakugan to use Gentle Fist and Trigrams..."

"Senpai, I understand that, but she can't see chakra points like Neji and Hinata." Yamato sighed.

"She was in the Academy longer than me. I can't imagine how it feels being sixteen and just graduating...all the comments across town...I knew exactly how she felt. But now, if people find out she's a Jinchuriki, her pain will spike more than I have ever felt. Kakashi-Sensei, let me tell her." Everyone looked at Naruto. He was passionate and serious about telling her.

Tsunade nodded to Kakashi. "It is best she hears it from someone who knows what it's like."

Naruto nodded and ran out. "Neji! Help me locate her!" Neji followed in pursuit of Naruto.

"Sakura, Sai, make sure she doesn't go out of control like Naruto would have." Tsunade ordered. "Kakashi, Yamato, stabilise her condition if she does start to rampage." They nodded and left soon after receiving the orders. "'s important that all the Chunin level friends she has find out. She's not going on any Genin missions. Her power is that of a Chunin like Naruto. She very likely beat some of our Jonin."

"And you want me to tell them Tsunade-Sama?" Shizune asked politely. Tsunade only replied with a stern look and a nod. "Will do." With that Shizune was off.

" are we going to tell the other Kages and Feudal Lords?"

F/N's P.O.V

Within minutes Neji and Naruto were at my house, Sakura, Sai, Kakashi, and Yamato not far behind. "Naruto-Kun, wait for everyone to arrive. We don't know how she'll react." Neji spoke while his hand was on the door so he could knock. As soon as everyone was there Neji knocked on my door. "F/N? Are you home?"

"Neji?" I opened the door and my eyes widened. "What's going on...?"

"We need to talk, is best we go outside the village into the forest. Naruto, remember where you fought Gaara? Take us there."

"Is that really the best place Neji-Kun? It might not end well knowing who fought there and that he might go through it again." Sakura spoke up.

Sai nodded, "I have to agree with Sakura-San on this one."

I just stood there, confused and annoyed. "What the hell is going on?!" I yelled and Yamato got his jitsu ready. "Yamato-Daicho, is that your stabilising Jutsu for when Naruto goes rampant?"

"Follow me, I know where to go." Kakashi-Sensei walked away with them following. I knew exactly where we were going. The waterfall Naruto trained at for his Wind Rasen-Shurikin. It would be the perfect place. "F/N-Chan, you may want to sit down for this."

I looked at them all suspiciously but complied. "So?"

Naruto stepped forward. "You're a Jinchuriki." He simply stated.

"A-A Jinchuriki?!" My eyes widened and rage began to overcome me. "For sixteen years this was hidden from me? How the hell could you do this to me?" My hair began to stand up and a red chakra began to coat my body.

"Yamato!" Kakashi yelled.

"I know!" Yamato stuck out his hand and spoke. "Stabilise!" But it didn't work. "Senpai, this isn't an ordinary Tailed's's overwhelming..."

Sakura soon collapsed. "Sakura-Chan!" Sai grabbed her.

"Byakugan!" Neji looked at Sakura. "Her's being contaminated with F/N's Tailed Beast!" Everyone looked at the me. "Every second...the Tailed Beast is gaining power!"

I soon lost control of my own movements. Neji, Naruto, everybody, go away...I can't control whatever is inside me... Kakashi pulled his headband up and used his sharingan.

" can't be... I thought it was just a myth..." He stumbled backwards.

"Senpai, what did you see?" Yamato asked while still trying to stabilise me.

Kakashi looked at me with wide eyes as my cloak quickly grew more and more tails. "She has the Ten Tails inside her...but the seal...I can't tell what type of seal this is..."

"Ten Tails?" Everyone asked at once.

Yamato shook his head. "Now isn't the time to hear the legend, we need to contain the Ten Tails! Everyone, get away, Kakashi-Senpai and I will make sure she comes out safe." Everyone ran from me except for Neji. "Neji, you need to leave."

"No. I'm not leaving her in this pain." Neji relaxed his byakugan as he walked towards me.

Kakashi went in front of Neji. "She's unaware of who people are. Right now she'll attack anyone."

"Anyone but the person she loves..." If I wasn't covered with the chakra my blush would have been evident. He knew. "Let me get her back. Please, I love her." Everything up to that moment didn't matter, just hearing those words made two tails disappear.

"She seems to recognise Neji, even in that state." Kakashi whispered. "Fine." He moved out of the way and let Neji walk towards me even more, walking into the powerful red chakra around me.

Neji cringed in pain but kept walking. Within seconds he was kissing me. I teared up and the cloak began to vanish, leaving me and Neji kissing. Kakashi and Yamato instantly left, giving us space and privacy. "F/N..."

"Neji..." I smiled and hugged him. "I don't care if I'm the Jinchuriki of a legendary Tailed Beast, I'll tame him and be able to control this new power. And now it'll be easier because I have your love and support." We stood there for hours, just hugging in silence until he broke the not even remotely awkward silence.

"F/N. You already can start to control him. You just have to make sure you can overpower him. I heard that the Eight Tails Jinchuriki is able to control his Tailed Beast and use it as he pleases. That's because he tamed it and became it's friend." Neji stroked my hair. "I believe Naruto will soon be going to meet Killer Bee and will learn to tame his beast and use the Nine Tails on his own accord. You should go with him."

"But I can't do it if you aren't there!" I hugged him tighter.

"That's why I'm going to give you this, I was planning to give it to you on your birthday, but this seems like something that is an exception." A necklace was placed around my neck. Instantly I felt Neji's chakra in it. "I'll always be with you. I can send you my chakra and talk to you through this."

I gripped the light purple gem and nodded. "Okay! I'm going to beat my Tailed Beast!"

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