Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

F/N's P.O.V

"Guy-Sensei...are you okay?" Naruto asked as Yamato-Senpai sweat-dropped.

Neji and I just chuckled. "This is gonna be a fun trip." I nodded in agreement with Neji.

"Neji, I'm sorta scared to meet my Tailed Beast..." I whispered and Naruto looked at me.

"Who are you talking to? Neji isn't here." I showed Naruto the necklace Neji have me. "That's the colour of his eyes."

I nodded. "Neji wears one and it allows us to talk and share chakra."

"Oooooo~!" Naruto smiled and Yamato-Senpai looked at me while nodding. I could tell he was happy there was something to help control me. "It's kinda like how the First Hokage's necklace worked with me!"

"I um...I guess you could say that..." A small blush appeared on my face and Neji began to speak.

"F/N, whatever you do, Naruto must not know about the war." No one could hear Neji but me. It was actually quite handy because Neji could say embarrassing things about me and comment in conversations without anyone being able to tell. "I love you F/N." I gripped the necklace with a smile.

"Yamato-Daicho! What's this so special mission anyway?" Yamato sighed and looked at Naruto. "What is it? What is it?"

"You need to check the species and gender of every animal on the island." Yamato-Senpai said as he checked the clip board he held.

Naruto started whining. "But that's soooooooo boring!"

"Well it's what the Kages ordered so you mustn't fail." Naruto sighed and flopped onto the floor. I chuckled lightly and looked at Yamato with a small nod. That told me we were almost at the island and the long awaited training was going to start.

I closed my eyes and was suddenly in a dark room with a giant gate in front of me. "W-Where am I?"

"You plan on taking control of me, don't you? Tell me girly, how did you go sixteen years without noticing me inside you?" A female voice was heard.

"Huh?" I walked towards the gate and saw a thick seal on it. "The Ten-Tails?"

"That's what I'm most commonly known as, yes. Young Shinobi, you have no chance of being me. I'm too powerful, you'll end up dying before you can even realise it. But that is what you all get for taking from the Tree." A giant eye opened. It was a giant Sharingan. Soon the room lit up and I could see the whole Tailed Beast. Sandy white, giant teeth, and a three layered Sharingan. "You have much to learn before taking me on. What you see now is not my true form. I'm weakened by this seal, but soon you will realise my true power."

"Hey, Ten-Tails...I heard from Killer Bee that you all have names. What's yours?" I gave a small smile, ignoring the rant.

The Tailed Beast growled them cried out. "It is pointless to tell a naïve girl like you!" I stepped closer to the Beast and held out my hand. "Fool! What the hell are you doing?!"

"I don't want to fight with someone who is a part of me. I want to be your friend." The Tailed Beast staggered back slightly. "So, will you please tell me your name? I feel the hatred you have towards humans and Shinobi...and I'm prepared to shoulder some of that hate and sadness you possess. No one should have to feel pain alone."

"You talk to me as if I am a human! Fool who do you think you're talking to?!" The female voice rang loud.

I jumped into the Tailed Beasts' head. "My newest and best friend."

"Ha! You think what you told me will change who I am?! I developed Shinobi! I was the first human to have chakra! Do you realise that I could kill you any moment?"

"The thing haven't. Tell me, you said Shinobi deserve to be destroyed for taking from 'the Tree'. So what exactly did we take from it? What did you take from it?" I laid down on my stomach and rested on her head.

"Tch..." She scoffed. "Do you kids know anything these days?! I took the Forbidden Fruit and ate it in order to win a war. I was given Goddess-like powers... The war ended that day within moments. I soon have birth to two boys, one which grew up to become the Sage of the Six Paths."

"So you're the reason Shinobi are here. You're the reason...I'm so happy!" I hugged her head. "Thank you..."

"Yeah yeah. Girly, do you know my name now?" Her voice was softer than before. I thought for a moment before shaking my head. "My name is Kaguya. The Tree is called Shinju. In order to become the Ten-Tails I merged myself with Shinju. I was consumed by the want for more power... You, Girly, have shown me a light that none of my previous vessels could. They were all terrified of me. Their fear became my power. Before you, all of my vessels were consumed by my desire for power and ended up dying."

"Kaguya-San...I'm not looking for power...I'm looking for the ability to protect those I care about, just like you were at first. Kaguya-San, you can call me F/N, your friend and light at the end of the tunnel of power." I smiled and noticed the form of Kaguya changing into a shape of the same colour but now it had ten tails, and legs. "You're really beautiful... Kaguya-San, what do you truly look like? As a human."

"You'll find out one day, F/N." I smiled wider at the sound of her saying my name. Within seconds I was back at the ship, it looked as if no time had passed.

"Naruto-Kun, please get up. We are almost there." Yamato walked to the boy and began to lift him up.

Naruto suddenly ran to the front of the ship with his usual giant smile. "F/N! Look at this!"

"I know." I was right next to him and put my hand on my stomach. "I'm ready."

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