Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

F/N's P.O.V

When we arrived at the island Guy-Sensei ran onto the land and kissed it. "PRECIOUS LAND!"

"Neji, you see this? This is what your Sensei does." I sighed while he chuckled. "Okay Guy-Sensei. Let's fin-" A slimy tentcle wrapped around me and lifted me into the air. "Ewwww! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" I screamed and Naruto began to beg and plead for the giant squid, he thought it was an octopus, to teach him. "Yamato-Daicho! Help me!" Suddenly another red tentacle hit the squid and the squid dropped me onto the ground once again. I rubbed my head and groaned.

"Thanks Killer Bee and Eight Tails." Yamato said polietly.

"Eh?! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight... There are eight tails! It's an octopus!" All of us turned to Naruto and shook our heads.


Naruto and I were outside Killer Bee's room and he knocked. "Hey, Octopops, teach us to control our Tailed Beasts!"

"Naruto! Be kinder. Sorry Killer Bee-San."

He opened the door and looked at us. "First we start with a fist bump." Killer Bee stuck out his fist. Instantly I bumped fists with him. "Your name, fool, ya fool?"

"I'm F/N. It's nice to meet you Killer Bee-San." I smiled at him.

"Yo. Now for you." Killer Bee looked at Naruto who bumped fists with him. "As for your question, no. Fool, ya fool. You have to match this skill. Maybe then you'll get your fill. Besides, I'm on vacation." He nodded.

Naruto tried some of the worst rapping I had ever heard before giving up in anger and going to Motoi's room and barging in. "Can't you get Killer Bee to teach us?!"

"Naruto-Kun, it's up to Killer Bee-San..." I put my hand on my shoulder and he nudged it off.

"I just want to be able to protect the ones I love like they've protected me!" Naruto teared up slightly and began to walk back to his room.

I sighed and bowed. "Sorry about Naruto... He um, he recently had an incident with one of his best friends almost dying and he couldn't do anything. He also doesn't know the true reason why he is here..."

"It's okay. But, Killer Bee-Sama might want to hear the apology directly." I nodded and bowed once more before walking back to Killer Bee.

"Killer Bee-San. It's F/N. I think we need to talk." I knocked polietly and waited. Soon the door opened. "Killer Bee-San, Naruto has had a troubled and pained past because of the Tailed Beast inside him. I can't imagine the pain of being shunned by the whole village, but he wants to protect me, Kakashi-Sensei, Yamato-Daicho, Hinata, and Sasuke. These people have special places in his heart and at the moment, he goes rampant instead of helping. So, please Bee-San, help Naruto befriend his Tailed Beast." I was on my knees begging while crying slightly.

"Yo. Fool, ya fool, get up. I'll help him, but you don't need help, do ya? Eight Tails and I can sense your Tailed Beast has taken a liking to you. I suggest you just confront your true self in the Waterfall of Truth and talk out a deal with whichever one you have, yeah."

I nodded and got up. "Thank you Bee-San. I'll go do that while you help Naruto?" Killer Bee nodded and walked past me. "Thank you again!" I ran off to Motoi and asked him to show me the Waterfall of Truth. He lead me there and told me what to do. I went onto the little spot of grass and closed my eyes, concentrating on doing what I was told. Soon I saw a girl with H/C hair and red eyes with a black outside. "T-That's me..."

"Yes. I'm your true self, the one who knows how much you hate all the people who graduated before you and how much you want to kill Naruto!" The true me said.

I chuckled. "You know that's not true. If it was Kaguya wouldn't like me, Naruto and I would both be dead by now, and Neji and I wouldn't be dating." I walked to my true self and hugged her. "It's okay, you don't need to harbour any feelings that are long gone. Sure I was jealous of everyone and used to dislike Naruto, until he tried to help me. It maybe me feel happy and loved because I had support." The dark me teared up. "We had and still have support." Suddenly it all disappeared and I stood up, giving Killer Bee a thumbs up. Killer Bee nodded.

"Okay, go ahead and make a deal with your Tailed Beast while I go to Naruto, fool, ya fool." Bee walked away while rapping.

I walked into the forest and climbed up a tree, sitting on the top of it, closing my eyes and appearing in front of Kaguya. "Hello Kaguya-San! Long time no see. So, I've been thinking, do you want to maybe make a deal about the whole chakra thing?"

"Hm? What makes you say we are close enough for us to combine and share my powerful chakra? Can you even handle it?" She looked at me with a smirk.

I walked to her and sat next to her face. "Why would I not be able to? I think if I can live with you inside me, we can use our chakra together and get rid of the dark in this world. Doesn't that sound nice?"

"It does indeed, but, you haven't proven you are strong enough." Kaguya nudged me gently.

"Then let's try it for a little bit. I'll use your chakra when it is neccesary and if I can't control it, you can come out and get it stable. How does that seem?" I chuckled.

"Well, it would work. What do I get in return?" Kaguya chuckled back and closed her eyes.

I thought for a moment before getting an idea. "You get to live in me. I think it's pretty fair. Besides, I'm not forcing you to give me chakra. We can be a team, ya know?" Kaguya nodded. " you wanna see how I would look?" She nodded once more and transferred a small amount of her chakra to me. I lit up in a purple flame, which turned into five black balls that floated behind my head in an arc. A cape formed onto me with the Sage of the Six Path's marking which also appeared on my shirt. It went across my chest. I felt my eyes feel different. One was a Sharingan and the other was a Rinnegan. I had a staff and three prongs coming off the top of my back and three off the bottom. "Whoa... Kaguya-San, this is incredible..."

"Hm...I wasn't expecting it to look so good. I guess this means you can control it. F/N, what do you sense?" She asked calmly.

"The war is starting...everyone is getting prepared and...what is this? This feeling isn't as powerful as Madara would be... Kaguya-San...this is a Sharingan and Rinnegan on someone without your power. What is his name?" I opened my eyes and looked at her before giving her the remaining amount of her chakra back. "Something isn't right about this war..."

"I agree. We must be careful."

I appeared back on the tree and opened my eyes to see Naruto trying to defeat his true self."I hope he can do it." I watched intently.

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