Chapter Two

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Nicki heard Naomi's soft coos and woke up. She saw her daughter just staring up at the ceiling with slobber running down the side of her mouth. Nicki carefully picked her up and kissed her cheek. "Hi mommy's baby." Nicki smiled at her then grabbed the remote to page the nurse after wiping her face.

"Yes?" a woman said into the speaker.

"My daughter just woke up." Nicki replied and the woman told her she'd be right in before hanging up.

A nurse walked in a few seconds later and asked if she could take Naomi so she could do her vital signs.

Nicki handed her Naomi and watched as the nurse took her temperature and breathing rate. "She seems fine." she finished up and handed Naomi back to Nicki. "She's such a sweetheart." she played with Naomi for a few seconds before checking her pager. "I'm going to go check in with another patient and when I come back I'll have her bottle with me. Unless you breast feed?"

"Oh no, I stopped a couple of months ago. A bottle is fine." Nicki smiled.

"Any particular formula she uses or it doesn't matter?"

"It doesn't matter. Do you know when I'll be able to take her home?"

"As soon as we get her prescriptions filled, your insurance paid for her medicine. Dr. Sanders is very persuasive." she smiled. "I'll be back in a few." the nurse excused herself before leaving the room. Nicki let out a sigh of relief and held her daughter close.

"I love you." she kissed her cheeks and rocked her.

The door opened and Michaela came in with two bags.

"I didn't even know you left." Nicki looked at her sister. She had apparently showered and changed. Michaela kissed Naomi's forehead.

"Sorry. I saw you were busy. I had to. I don't wanna smell." she smiled at Nicki and handed her the bag in her hand after setting her food on the counter. "Your food is fresh. I'll take her and you can go freshen up." Michaela took Naomi and Nicki thanked her then went in the bathroom.

Nicki looked at herself in the mirror and shook her head. I hope I wasn't looking like this earlier. Her hair was slightly matted and she was starting to get dark circles under her eyes. A good face wash should do me some good. Nicki disrobed and grabbed the soft rag from the bag. She wet it and put some soap on it also from the bag and cleaned herself as best she could before slipping on the yoga pants and t-shirt her sister brought her. She pulled another sweatshirt from the bag who she guessed was Khalil's-her sister's husband.

Nicki washed her face and brushed her teeth then pulled her hair up in a ponytail. She put her dirty clothes back in the bag and turned out the light before walking back into the room. Michaela was sitting in her vacated seat, feeding Naomi who was pulling at Michaela's curls.

"Thanks. I needed that." Nicki put the bag on the empty sofa by the window and sat on the edge of the bed.

"No problem." Michaela smiled and gave her a look.

"What?" Nicki asked, wondering why she was grinning at her.

"So? Tell me what happened? What's his name?" She put Naomi on her shoulder and began to gently pat her back so she could burp.

"You forgot the burping towel." Nicki got up from the bed and looked in a cabinet. She found a small white towel folded up. She took it down and helped Michaela get it on her shoulder so she could finish burping Naomi.

"Don't try to be evasive Onika. Tell me!" she squealed. "Did you get his number?" she pried on.

"No, his name is Drake and he has mine. You made me feel like the worst mother on this earth, had me flirting with a man while she was laying in here sick and you know how I am under pressure. Especially with you."

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