Chapter Eleven

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Nicki stirred in her sleep and soon her eyes opened. She laid there, trying to remember what happened last night and when she felt the smooth silk of the sheets against her bare skin, it all came rushing back. Nicki knew she had been a little bit drunk but she didn't mind. It had given her the courage it took for her to take that next step with him.

She reached her hand across the bed and felt the cool sheets. Drake wasn't there. Nicki sat up against the headboard and ran her hand through her hair before getting out of the bed and checking the time. 12:06 PM. They had been up all night. She was a little bit sore but enjoyed the ache as she walked towards the bathroom to relieve her bladder and freshen up for the rainy day.

After brushing her hair up into a ponytail and brushing her teeth and washing her face, Nicki grabbed one of the sheets from the bed and wrapped it around herself before heading downstairs to look for Drake.

The first place she checked was his office. The door was closed but she heard his voice and assumed he was on the phone so she walked in, only to have two pairs of eyes staring at her that weren't his. "Oh my God, I am so sorry," she blushed and turned around, leaving the office, Drake followed her out and smiled.

"I didn't exactly plan on my partners getting the bonus of seeing my best asset but you know," he shrugged and Nicki playfully glared at him. "anyway, why are you out of bed? I didn't think you would be able to walk." he smirked and pulled Nicki into his arms.

"Trust me, I'm trying my best to even stand up but I woke up and you weren't there so I decided to look for you."

"Well you found me," he leaned down and kissed her. "Francesca made breakfast and put it in the oven for you so go cover up my personal heaven..." he kissed her neck. "then go eat breakfast and I'll wrap up my meeting so we can spend some alone time together."

"Okay," Nicki breathed out, not even aware that she had been holding her breath as his lips touched her body. Drake kissed her lips and watched her walk back upstairs before heading back into his office.

Upstairs, Nicki slid on a pair of leggings and a t-shirt before going downstairs to feed her rumbling stomach. As she was eating, she got a little bit sad thinking about all of the overtime she was going to have to work after being off for so many days since she still hadn't paid her bills.


"Aubrey I need to go home and you aren't making it any easier for me to go." Nicki tried to talk but most of it came out as a moan because he was too busy pulling her pants off to pay her any attention.

"There is no reason for you to go home." Drake informed her before kissing her lips.

"Yes there is. Unlike you I have bills that have to be paid and I have a child to feed." she pulled her pants back up.

"No, you don't have bills that need to be paid and you know I love Naomi like she is my own. Hell, she is mine." Drake smiled.

Nicki ignored the last half of his response and focused on the first half. "What do you mean I don't have bills that need to be paid. I'm like a month late on my rent and-"

"It's taken care of Onika." he sat up in the bed, knowing she was about to get mad but really, he didn't care.

"You paid my bills? How? What the hell Drake?!"

"I care too much to let watch you struggle like that. I don't care, you can yell at me all you want to but I'm still gonna pay your bills and there's really nothing you can do about it because every time you remove me from your account, I'll just put myself back on." He shrugged.

"Excuse me?" Nicki furrowed her brows. "Drake unless you haven't realized, I don't need you. I can handle myself."

"Oh really?" he stood up from the bed. Her statement had hurt his feelings a little bit. "Obviously that's not the case. If you didn't need me, we wouldn't be having this discussion would we?" He didn't want to say that to her but he had to. She didn't realize that she did need him, she only didn't want to need him.

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