Chapter Four

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Drake went up to his room he stayed in whenever he would spend time at home and removed his shoes and shirt before falling down on his bed. His mind was automatically consumed with that beautiful dimpled smile he got to see for an hour straight.

I wonder if she likes roses. He thought to himself then picked up his phone, dialing the local florist shop. He ordered a bouquet of pink roses to be delivered to her job immediately and decided to take a shower to help clear his mind of the new information he had gotten from his sisters.

Nicki was helping Lauren wait tables since she had nothing else better to do. "Nic can you take that table over by the back window these drinks please? I know this isn't your job but we're short today."

"No problem Laur. You babysat for me for free when I had no one so we're good." she took the drinks from her hands and did as she asked.

"Nicki!" her boss called for her. She had ten minutes until she was allowed to clock out and she just knew he wanted her to work over time. Not that she would mind, she needed the money.

"Yes Phillip?" she stood in his doorway.

"These came for you." he motioned to the roses sitting on his desk. "Had to sign for 'em. Must've been expensive." he said as he cut himself a slice of the whole cheesecake Nicki had brought back for him that Drake refused to let her buy.

"Really?" Nicki went inside and looked at the roses. There was a small card inside with a note typed on it.

A small thank you to put a smile on your face for spending your lunch with me. -ADG

Nicki smiled and grabbed her roses and smelled them. That was her first time ever getting flowers and they truly made her day even better.

"Hey, you mind workin' the night shift? Ciara called in and Jessica is on vacation so we're kinda short here."

"Yeah but I have to make some arrangements with my sister so I'd have to come back around four."

"Do whatever's necessary. I'll pay you time and a half and you can stay clocked in." he said before letting her leave his office. She made twelve an hour there so today she'd be making eighteen dollars an hour. That seemed highly unrealistic but here she was. Maybe I can finally buy my baby that playpen I saw at Target. Nicki smiled to herself as she walked to the locker room. She got her jacket back on and shouldered her purse before picking her flowers up and leaving her job.

Nicki pulled into Michaela's driveway and parked. After getting out, she rang the doorbell and a shirtless Khalil answered.

"Hey, is Michaela here?" she looked up at him. Nicki was itching to roll her eyes at him but resisted.

"Yeah, she's in the living room with the kids." he said and Nicki tried to step in but he blocked her, looking over his shoulder to make sure Michaela was no where around. "Where you goin'? What's up with me and you?"

Nicki scoffed. She would tell Michaela about him constantly flirting with her but it would break her heart and plus, Nicki knew Michaela was tired of being rescued by her. Either way, it was getting harder and harder to resist punching him in the mouth. "You better get out of my way. I got plenty more ass whoopings to hand out if you want another one because that's all you can get from me." she bumped past him and walked into her sister's house, feeling his eyes on her ass the whole time.

Nicki made her way into the living room where Michaela was playing with Naomi who was trying to crawl.

"What's up?" Michaela looked up from her niece and greeted her little sister.

"Nothing, I came to tell you I have to work another shift tonight but I'm making time and a half so could you keep her for a few more hours please?"

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