Chapter Eight

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The next morning Drake woke up to Nicki's ringing phone. It was Michaela. He picked it up and answered it. "Hello?"

"Good morning, is Nicki still sleeping?"

"Yeah, she is." Drake got out of the bed being sure not to disturb Nicki. He took the call to the hallway, and closed the door softly behind him. "Are you calling about Naomi?"

"Yeah, she wanted her today so I thought she would be up by now."

"No, I'll wake her up and we can meet you somewhere in maybe an hour and a half after we eat breakfast."

"Sounds good. How is she? I know she's been tired lately." Michaela said into the phone as she picked up Naomi to feed her.

"She's fine," Drake sighed. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What's up?" Michaela shouldered the phone and put the warm bottle in Naomi's mouth.

"I was wondering if you could help me with something. I asked Nicki if I could help with her bills you know? And she said no. Do you know anyway I would still be able to do that without her knowing?" Drake asked cautiously. "Not that I want you to keep anything from her because if you think it's a bad idea-"

"Of course I can help. I know how stubborn she can be and if I could, I would pay her bills myself. She gave me her bank account information just in case something ever happened to her. I'll put it in Naomi's bag for you. You can just go to the bank and deposit money into her account. She wouldn't know the difference and by the time she notices, all of her bills would be paid."

"Alright, I'd appreciate that a lot. Thank you."

"No problem. Naomi and I will be at Babies 'R Us so if you wanna meet there, we can."

"I'll let Nicki know. Thanks again." Drake smiled.

"You're welcome." Michaela hung up the phone and Drake went back in his bedroom. He freshened up for the day and headed downstairs to make them breakfast.

It wasn't long before the smell of bacon woke Nicki. She stretched and looked around Drake's room then realized he was downstairs making breakfast. Nicki climbed out of the bed and headed to the bathroom. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she pulled on her robe and put on her slippers before heading downstairs.

She walked into the kitchen and Drake was just pouring two glasses of orange juice to go with the pancakes, omelets and bacon. "Good morning." Nicki hopped on the bar stool next to where he was standing. He sat the carton of orange juice down and kissed her softly. "Good morning. How'd you sleep?"

"Best sleep ever. You made my favorite." she looked at the food. Drake set her food in front of her and got her a fork before taking the stool across from hers.

"I remember you told me your favorite thing to eat is bacon."

"Why don't you have any?" she looked at his plate as she drizzled syrup on her pancakes.

"There wasn't much left and I wanted you to have it." he smiled, causing her to smile.

"You're so sweet. Here." she grabbed a piece of bacon from her plate and fed it to him.

"I must be pretty special if you're feeding me bacon."

"Maybe a little." Nicki blushed and finished up her breakfast. "Hurry up so we can go get my baby."

"Oh yeah, Michaela called. She wants to meet at Babies 'R Us in a bit so you can go get dressed, I'll clear all of this up." Drake got up from the breakfast bar.

"No, you cooked, I got it." Nicki kissed his cheek and cleared the dishes from the table and loaded them in the dishwasher. Drake went upstairs and dressed and by the time Nicki finally came upstairs, he was ready and had to wait for her.

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