Chapter Ten

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Nicki got up from Drake's bed and walked into his bathroom. After fixing herself up, she headed back downstairs. Drake was in the kitchen pouring himself and Nicki both glasses of wine so everyone could sit down and eat dinner.

Nicki wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his back. "I love you too."

"You don't have to say that Nicki." he pulled her around so he could look into her eyes and saw that she was actually serious.

"I'm not telling you this just because you said it to me...I really do love you. I love you more than I've ever loved any man in my life. I just don't want to be disappointed and I can't stress that enough."

"Nicki I know that. Don't worry about anything in the past. Just let it go and let me love you. I want this to be the last time we have this conversation." he looked at her and she had never seen him like that. It was a weird emotion. Like he was scolding her but minus the anger.

"Okay." Nicki sighed out.

"Okay? Just like that you're gonna agree to stop comparing me to your past?" he asked and she smiled.

"I can't compare two things that are nothing alike." she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Now let's try this again; I love you Aubrey Drake Graham."

"And I love you Onika." he planted a sweet kiss on her lips and called everyone else to the kitchen to eat dinner.

"So are you two gonna go on a double date or not? Laith and I can baby-sit."

"It's up to Nicki." Drake looked at her over the rim of his glass.

"We can go out on Friday. After I get off of work." "I'll have Michaela bring me out here so she can drop her kids off too."

"I can't go out like this." Michaela tried to conceal her healing black eye Khalil had given her three days ago. That was the first time he'd hit her in a while. After hearing how she truly felt about him, he was put into a blind rage and wanted to hurt her just as badly as she hurt his ego even though he was the cause of her true feelings.

Michaela smeared more concealer around her eye and gave up just as their doorbell rang. It was Nicki with Naomi.

"Come on 'Chaela." Nicki yelled from the bottom of the stairs and when she didn't hear a response, she headed up to Michaela's bedroom.

She saw that her sister was still doing her makeup. After noticing the focus of her attention in the mirror, Nicki frowned. She was smearing concealer on her eye. Nicki sat Naomi who was in her car seat on Michaela's bed and walked into the bathroom.

"Here, let me." Nicki took the sponge and helped her sister. The reason why Michaela could never cover it up just right was because usually Nicki was the one to hide her bruises after pulling Khalil off of her.

"Nicki don't say anything to him please." Michaela whispered and Nicki gave her a hard stare and didn't respond.

After a little while of silence, Nicki smiled. "There, all covered up." her voice held a hint of sarcasm.

"Everyone's life isn't perfect like yours." Michaela muttered and Nicki looked at her with a surprised expression on her face.

"Baby nothing is perfect about my life. Nothing at all. I am the most insecure person ever and that's holding me back from being able to move on with my life. I'm struggling to take care of myself and my daughter because of that same reason yet you sit here and get pounded on instead of taking that nigga for every dime he got!" Nicki's voice rose with every word until she was screaming in her sister's face.

"I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment to you. I really am Nika." Michaela said as Nicki wrapped her arms around her.

"You're not a disappointment. You think he's a good guy. It's gonna take time to get you out of that mind frame. Either way, when you decide to leave, I'll be here for you every step of the way." Nicki smiled and kissed her forehead. "Let's go shopping. Drake said to get whatever we want."

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