Chapter Seven

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Nicki was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even notice a shirtless Drake walking out of his bathroom, nor did she hear him calling her name.

"Onika!" his voice was close to a yell.

"Huh?" she sat up and had to catch herself before her mouth dropped open. "Sorry, I was thinking."

"I can tell and you're not allowed to think about anything bad in your life right now. Just forget it all for a day."

"I'll try." she gave him a smile and he walked over to the side of the bed she was laying on.

"You need help forgetting?" he asked her as he sat on the edge of the bed. Nicki shook her head at his attempt at flirting and looked at his tattooed back.

"I didn't know you had that." she moved behind him to get a better look. "What made you get wings?"

"For the days that I wish I could get away from all of this that I have...for the days I want simple." he looked at her. "But I guess I don't need to get away anymore...all I need is to hear your voice, see you smile and I know that there's someone else in the world that's always more stressed than me, that needs me."

"I don't know what I'd do without you. You're the best thing that's happened to me in a long time besides my daughter which is why I want to be honest with you." Nicki placed her hands on his back and began tracing over the wings.

"Don't do this because I was upset. If you're not ready to-" he started but Nicki cut him off.

"I'm ready. I'm gonna tell you everything. One hundred percent honesty." Nicki rested her chin on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. "But first I need to shower." she got up from the bed and grabbed her clothes. Showers always helped her relax when she was nervous and she wasn't going to pretend like she wasn't scared of his reaction because she was. She wondered just how bad he thought her childhood was. The thing is, the pain never stopped there. It continued from her childhood until this very day. The only time between then where she felt she did have a care in the world was the night Drake took her out. Every other day consisted of stress, drama and bad memories.

Nicki didn't even remember getting in the shower she was so lost in how she would tell him everything but she did feel the hot water soothing her aching back. She tossed and turned all night, every night. It was as if that night haunted her everywhere she went but it was a sacrifice she had to make. Nicki shook her head from her thoughts, not wanting to think about them any more than she had to at the moment and washed herself up before rinsing and getting out of the shower.

After drying and applying lotion to her skin, she put on her pajamas and mentally cursed herself for not bringing a t-shirt of the midriff tank top she brought. Nicki slipped her robe on and stepped out of the bathroom.

Drake looked up from his phone and watched her walk into his closet and put her clothes in his basket. Damn. He thought to himself as his eyes traced the perfect shape of her body. The robe she had on was pointless to him because it did little to cover her thick thighs and since it was tied closed, that did nothing but outline her curves even more.

"You know that robe isn't doing much for you to be hiding under it." he smiled at her as she walked over to the bed and stood in front of him.

Nicki blushed. "I feel more comfortable in it since I grabbed the wrong shirt."

"What's wrong with the one you have on?" Drake wrapped his arms around her waist and laid his head on her stomach.

"Nothing's wrong with it...I just don't want you to get the wrong idea. I'm not ready for that yet and it's barely covering anything."

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