Andrea's Interlude

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"Are you sure everything is okay?" Andrea asked Drake for about the fourth time. He had just told her how his house had been broken into and she was mostly worried about how he was feeling.

"I'm fine. Hopefully the police finds out who did this before I do." Drake responded and from his stoic tone, she could tell he was one hundred and ten percent serious. "Anyway, where were you last night. I looked around for you at the ball before I left and couldn't find you."

"I was with Laith. I didn't want to sit through a long thank you speech so I left and Laith followed." Andrea shrugged.

"And where did you two go? I know you weren't doing what I think you were." Drake threatened.

"God no! We went to the beach and we sat in his car and talked." Andrea sighed heavily.

"Why the sigh? Did he pressure you?" Drake voice rose yet again.

"No! He's a good boy Drake...and frankly, I'm bored with him. He's too clingy. He's never at home, he's always under me. You know how I am when I get bored with someone."

Drake laughed at his little sister. "Yeah, I do. You start giving them the cold shoulder. Talk to him, maybe you two can come to a better understanding."

"I will," Andrea plopped on her bed and just as she did, a light bulb went off in her head.

"Drake..." Andrea started, not knowing how to say what she was about to say. Ashley knocked on Andrea's door and poked her head in. "Have you seen my iPad charger?"

"No, close the door on your way out." Andrea rolled her eyes at Ashley. She was still mad at her about the things she had said to Nicki the night before. Ashley scoffed and left Andrea's room, but stood by the door listening.

"What?" Drake asked her as he grabbed his car keys. He and Nicki were headed to pick up Naomi.

"Did you realize that if your house had been broken into, your alarm company should have called you...unless it had been disarmed? I mean they took valuable shit Aubs."

Drake frowned, stopping in his tracks. "If you're implying that Nicki-"

"No, no. Don't even finish that sentence. I love was just a stupid thought. I should have never said anything. It could've been anyone we know...I mean, with all of the world's technology, I'd bet it's easy disarming an alarm." Andrea tried to patch up the broken conversation but it really didn't work.

"I don't believe for one second that she would do something like that. I take care of her and Naomi. She'd have no reason to." Drake reasoned and that final thought comforted him. "It was someone else we know. Or like you said, it could've been someone smart enough to figure out how to disarm the system."

"Yeah, I think that's it." Drake responded and Ashley backed away from Andrea's room with a smirk and headed down to her mother's office.

An hour or so later, she heard voices and got up from her bed. Drake had ended their call long ago and she was just sitting there, bashing herself for opening her big mouth. I hope that didn't influence him to think ill of Nicki.

Once downstairs, she saw one of the maids taking Jessica's coat. Her long black hair was pulled atop her head in a sleek ponytail and her simple black dress popped against her pale skin and icy blue eyes. "Andrea, how is my favorite Graham?" she pulled her into a hug and Andrea was instantly engulfed in her sweet scent. Smiling, Andrea kissed her cheek. "You mean second favorite?"

Jessica laughed and shook her head. "You're right. Speaking of, is your brother here?"

"No, he's not. He's not even in the city at the moment. What brings you by?"

"Your mother called in a favor. Where is she?" she placed a hand on her hip.

"More than likely in her office. I can show you the way." Andrea volunteered and Jessica smiled before answering. "Trust me, I know just how to get there without a leader or directions." She left with a wink and headed down the hall to Sandi's office.

Andrea headed down to her mother's office after a few minutes and was about to knock when she heard something that caught her attention. "So instead of you know, the usual brunch or lunch that the charity allows for auctioned dates, I figure you and my Aubrey can have a romantic evening. My intentions are not that you seduce him, but make him see the other side of things?"

"So seduce him? Got it." Jessica smirked. "You know, I've waited far too long for a chance with him to mess it up, whatever you need me to do, I'm all for it." Jessica shrugged. "I mean she's got me beat in the ass department but I think I can catch up to her in the breasts area. Are you willing to accommodate me?"

"Whatever you need. Look over there on my shelf and hand me Dr. Belevich's card. He specializes in plastics and cosmetic surgery. We won't rush this date until you're absolutely, one hundred percent ready."

"That's the only way to do it." Jessica gave her another smile. Andrea walked away from the door with her mouth hanging open. She knew her mother was crazy but she didn't know how crazy she really was.

"Eavesdropping?" Ashley blocked her path.

"Bitching?" Andrea rolled her eyes and moved to bump past Ashley but she shoved her back and pulled her into her mother's office.

"Nicki's best friend here was eavesdropping on you two's conversation."

"Snitch." Andrea glared at her older sister. She knew it was childish to start an argument but Ashley always irked her last nerve.

"Shut up, you're always being so nosy!" Ashley shot daggers at Andrea.

"It's better than being someone's punching bag you dumb bi-"

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" Sandi yelled at her two daughters. "Now both of you sit. If I have to remind you again that a young lady must have pretty lips, unspoiled by vile words, I won't be nice about it." Sandi said as Ashley obediently took her seat.

"If only you could be that submissive with your husband, you wouldn't be here every week holding frozen peas to your face." Andrea let out a dry chuckle and Sandi squinted her eyes at her. "Close your mouth and sit down right now." Sandi stood up and yelled in Andrea's face.

"Now, you two will learn a few lessons today. One being how to carry yourself as a lady. With that lesson, just watch Jessica and I converse. The other will be a lecture when I am done with Jessica on how not to provoke your spouse and your sibling. I mean," she turned to Ashley. "you must be doing something wrong to make him get so angry with you. You keep doing the same thing, expecting a different result; that's the definition of insanity." Sandi pushed her hair away from her face and went back to her desk. "Jessica I apologize for the rude interruption, Now, I think we need to set you up an appointment with Dr. Belevich."

I hate this fucking family. Andrea thought to herself as she glared at her mother from across the room.

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