Chapter Five

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Drake pulled away from their kiss first and looked at Nicki. He was halfway expecting her to shy away but she didn't. She smiled and kissed him again before getting up and heading back downstairs. He followed her back to the theater room but not before stealing another kiss. When they walked into the room, the kids were eating pizza and watching their movie. Andrea was laying on the floor, playing with Naomi.

"Mama." she reached for Nicki who stared at her in shock. That was her first time ever talking.

"What's wrong?" Drake looked at her.

"That was her first word." Nicki smiled and picked her up from the floor and smothered her with kisses. Drake just stood there, watching the interaction between mother and daughter. He didn't know why but something in him longed for a child, for a family so badly. Probably because his family was white-collared and something he considered dysfunctional. He wanted someone to come home to. Contrary to his parents' and his sister Ashley's beliefs, he'd trade his mansion for a small, warm home. He'd trade his cold house for someone to come home to, children to come home to. A lot of times he considered adopting but he always held off, thinking he'd met a woman he could spend his life with and end up let down. He didn't even understand how Ashley got pregnant and even though she was married, she initially didn't want children and she'd said that for years.

"You want to hold her?" Nicki looked at him, noticing the smile on his face as he watched them. Before he could even reply, Naomi was in his arms and Nicki was adjusting her so she would be comfortable. She smiled at the sight. He was the first man to ever hold her. She knew they were just friends but it triggered something inside her. Something that made her sad. She had always promised herself to not let her child grow up without a father and that's exactly what was happening.

Drake kissed Naomi's forehead and she grabbed his nose, pulling it, causing him to laugh. She smelled just like a baby. She let out a yawn, tired from playing with Andrea and closed her eyes as he gently rocked her, the sight made Nicki snap out of her thoughts, her solemn expression turned into a smile as she watched him walk over to the couch and sit down.

"Drake can we play hide-and-go-seek?" Adrian yelled across the room and Drake let the kids go before they woke up Naomi. Mecca was passed out on the floor sleeping. Andrea picked him up and took him to the living room with her after shutting off the theater system, leaving Drake and Nicki alone.

"You wanna go upstairs? Lay her down?" Drake asked, looking at Naomi's pouting lips. They reminded him of Nicki's. He smiled at the thought.

"Yeah...what's funny?" Nicki asked as she stood, and stretched, causing Drake to look up at her. The shirt she had on hugged every curve and her jeans looked painted on. He would have never guessed she'd had a baby only nine months ago.

"Nothing. When I met you at the hospital, you had this pout on your face. She makes that same face too." He smoothed his hand over Naomi's soft curls and stood, moving her to his shoulder. "I've always wanted a daughter."

"At least you're prepared." Nicki said as they walked to his room. "She's the best thing that ever happened to me but if I had control over some of the things that happened in my life, I'd be able to provide for her the way I want to. I feel like such a failure to her sometimes. I was shocked that she said mama to me today. She's with Michaela so much that I was almost sure she'd say it to her first." Nicki admitted.

"You're not a failure to her and you should never feel that way. I know you probably don't get to spend as much time with her as you would like but you're putting a roof over both of your heads. When she's old enough, she'll understand that you're all she has right now."

"I know...I'm sorry I'm being a buzz kill right now." she let out a light chuckle as they reached his room. He laid her in the center of his bed and put her blanket over her.

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