Chapter Fifteen

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"Have you thought about what you want to do for her birthday?" Drake asked Nicki who was folding Naomi's clothes as she played with her toys. He stood in the doorway of the laundry room, watching Nicki.

"No, not doesn't have to be anything big. She won't remember it. We can just spend the day together like we normally do." She said as she put the clothes in the basket.

"Well, we need to figure something out because I want her to have a party..." he approached her from behind and wrapped his arms around her. "Maybe my family can come and we can all talk while the kids have fun. No one would cause a big scene at a child's birthday party. And besides, Naomi deserves the biggest party in the world for her first birthday. She's been through more than I ever have and she's such a happy baby."

Nicki sighed and smiled a little. "I'll think about it. Where would we even have it at?"

"More than likely, at my parents' house?"

Nicki rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Yeah, I'll get back to you on that one." she took the basket and left the room, leaving Drake to get Naomi and follow her to the room they had been sleeping in. "You know, for your family, this house is really, really..." Nicki tried to think of the right word without offending him. "modest." she smiled, causing him to laugh.

"Yeah, that's because this was our first house...before our family business bought out everyone else and became a monopoly."

"Whatever that means...I'm sure it wasn't done the fair way." Nicki said before taking Naomi into the bathroom for a bath. Drake laughed at her again and Nicki shook her head.

"So, have you thought about it yet?" Drake asked her.

"You just asked me less than five minutes ago Drake. Your parents don't even like me. Why would I bring my daughter around them unnecessarily?"

"What do you mean they don't like you?" Drake asked. "I know that you aren't the ideal woman for them but you're everything to me. That's all that matters."

"Yeah, to you...but to them, that's not all that matters and you know that. I didn't exactly get the most warm welcoming from your parents at the ball and I sense that you know that." Nicki replied a little stronger than she meant to so she added, "I just don't think it's a good idea Aubrey. How about this; you can have her party at your place and your parents are invited. I'm sure everything will be repaired in time. I like being in an environment that I at least think I have some control over. I'll feel better about this whole thing if you're able to control it."

"So...I can have her a birthday party?" Drake asked, a smile spreading across his face.

Nicki rolled her eyes playfully before pouring bubbles into the running water. "Yes. Just don't go overboard."

"Okay, okay...I won't." Drake retreated from the bathroom and went to make a few calls. This would be his first official memory with Naomi as his daughter, he wanted to make it count.

Meanwhile Andrea tried calling Drake but he didn't pick up. He was on the other line. She huffed and plopped on her bed. She had to get out of her mother's house or she was going to kill somebody.

Nicki smiled as Naomi splashed in the tub. She grabbed the no-tears soap and washed her up and let her play a few minutes longer before getting her out of the tub. After wrapping her in her towel, she took her to the room where she dried her off and dressed her.

An hour or so later, Drake came back into the bedroom and Nicki stopped burping Naomi and looked up at him. He was standing in the doorway with a smile.

"What did you do?" Nicki squinted her eyes at him.

"Nothing, nothing. I actually just got off the phone with the contractors...everything will be fixed in the next three days." Drake said as he remembered something. "Oh shit! All this shit going on and we forgot Graham."

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