Chapter Fourteen

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"Uh uh! Don't be trying to kiss me and you still got her lipstick all over you." Nicki said just as Drake had leaned down to kiss her. "Here," Nicki used her thumb to wipe the lipstick off. "but you still can't kiss me."

"Don't be like that." Drake pulled her closer than she already was and laid his head on her shoulder. His nose nuzzled her neck and she smiled. It was the little things like that he did that made them feel like a normal couple to her.

"I don't know. She bought you...and in your world, money means everything. How can I buy her out?" Nicki asked and Drake smiled.

"She can't buy something that's not for sale." he kissed her cheek.

"How long have you known her?" Nicki asked him. She just had a feeling they knew each other.

"We went to business school together. She's more of my mom's friend than mine so I guess that's why she's here. Andrea always told me she had a crush on me but I never took her seriously."

"Well, I think you should take her very seriously now. You better not enjoy that date with her." Nicki glared at him and he laughed.

"Why would I when you'll be home waiting for me?" Drake asked just as Dennis and Jessica spun in their direction.

"Aubrey, can I take this pretty lady off of your hands for a song or two?" Dennis asked. Drake's smile immediately dropped and as much as he didn't want to, he knew not to act up in the company of others, so he gave his father permission. He and Dennis switched women and began swaying with their new partners.

"So Drake, how've you been? Still handsome as ever."

"I'm fine Jessica. So how much did my mom say she would pay you to buy out everyone?"

"Oh she didn't pay me money...she gave me a date with you."

"Are you saying she fronted you the cash?" Drake frowned, not caring who noticed they were having a heated conversation. Well, Jessica wasn't heated but he definitely was.

"That's not what I'm saying at all." Jessica smiled. "I was invited and given a heads up about the auction. That's all."

"So you're the woman that's got my son acting out of character." Dennis smirked. "I can see why though," his grip tightened on her waist. "you are a pretty young thing. I'm sure my son has you by at least five years or so?"

"Eight. So what?" Nicki frowned.

"Nice to know you like older men." Dennis smiled. "You could be one of the many shiny trophies I call my own. I can't be good for anything else, given your background."

"My background?" Nicki raised her voice but Dennis shushed her.

"Let's have a nice conversation like adults. We don't have to yell like children, but yes, your background. See, the affluent such as myself, my family and friends...can't be tainted with people like you. All you do is cause problems. You're hard at fighting off and things get they are starting to now. You're like flies to shit...once you get a taste of the good life, you won't go away. How much do you want?"

"Excuse me?" Nicki asked through gritted teeth. "Unlike your wife and daughter, I can't be bought. I don't know what Aubrey sees in you people. He's so damn naïve. You don't care about him. You care about your bloodline. He's the only heir to your fucked mess of a throne and you're scared he'll walk away from it all for me. He can't see the bad in none of you and he's forgiving," Nicki shrugged sadly. "and you take advantage of him."

"I'm his father, of course he won't turn away from us. We're his family and the sooner he learns pussy can be replaced, no matter how good it is, the better." Dennis smiled and let her go just as Drake and Jessica came back around.

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