Chapter Thirteen -- Part Two

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Nicki slipped on her shoes just as Andrea came to tell her that the car was outside waiting for her. Nicki was kind of weary leaving Naomi alone because for some odd reason, her stomach wouldn't settle and she knew what that meant. Something bad was going to happen but like always, she prayed it didn't, shook the thoughts off and left her daughter with a kiss and a promise to return soon.

"I'm going to help Nicki get dressed for the ball tonight." Michaela said as Khalil finally let her arm go. She had been standing in the kitchen when he asked her who she had been talking to and where was she talking about going.

"What ball?" Khalil glared at Michaela. Michaela didn't know what his problem had been lately but she was getting tired of his shit. He had more mood swings than she did.

"Drake's mother is hosting a Valentine's Day ball. It's one of her charity things and I'm coming back home to keep Naomi for the night." Michaela answered as she slipped her shoes on.

"And how long this shit last? I'm not trynna be home with the kids all night."

"The invitations say from eight until midnight. There's going to be different auctions so I don't know. I'll be home though, I just said that."

"Whatever man. Just hurry up." Khalil dismissed her. He honestly didn't care where she went because he had some plotting to do and only a few hours to perfect his plan.

"I guess this is a bad time to mention that I'm being auctioned at the ball?" Drake asked Nicki who had stopped laughing at him the moment he finished his sentence. He was getting his hair cut and Nicki was at the spa, getting her nails, hair and feet done.

"What did you say?" Nicki frowned.

"I said that I'm being-"

Nicki cut him off. "I know what you said, I just...why? It was your mother wasn't it?"

"Yeah, it was. But it's not a big deal Nic, it's just to raise money. I promise. The whole time I'm on that date, I'm only going to think about you."

"You better," Nicki mumbled and pouted. She was silent so Drake knew she was upset.

"I'll make it up to you." Drake smiled and Nicki rolled her eyes with a smile, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"Of course you are. All night long." Nicki said just as both the manicurist and pedicurist finished up her nails. She looked over them for mistakes before getting up from the chair and heading to get her body waxed.

"That's no problem for me."

Nicki giggled, "You are so nasty but I have to go. I don't think I'm gonna be much fun on the phone while I'm getting a body wax."

"Alright. I'll let you go then. I love you."

"I love you too Aubrey." Nicki smiled and hung up before they both got all mushy. Just before she went to disrobe for her wax, she sent a text to Michaela, giving her the pass code to the gate in case she forgot it and the code for the alarm just in case she needed it.

"Your plane landed. Have you spotted your car yet?" Sandi asked Jessica over the phone. She was standing in her favorite spot which was in front of the bay window in her office that overlooked the trees surrounding her house and just a little of the beach behind her house.

"Yes, I see it, I'll be at your place in an hour or so."

"Don't bother, just make sure you're at the ball. Remember, your job is to buy out everyone when Aubrey is on the stage. I will front you the cash, you just keep fighting."

"It's not like I don't have the cash." Jessica smiled. She had wanted to be apart of the Graham family for so long and this was just the perfect opportunity. She had gone to business school with Drake and worked as a temp for his mother who had known all along that she was deeply in love with her son. Sandi knew she would be of good use to her so she got her a job across the country and kept her in her back pocket for the perfect timing.

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