Chapter 36

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I shook slightly, and it wasn't from pain, but fear. The Host Club and I had returned to Ouran and were immediately met by my grandmother, who was extremely upset. That was when Tamaki and I knew that we weren't out of the woods, yet.

After allowing Tamaki and Haruhi to dry off, Tamaki and I were brought back to the central building salon. The hosts were allowed to stay with us, but they were not to speak, or they would be thrown out. It was there Tamaki and I sat on zabutons, traditional Japanese pillows, and had to sit in the style of seiza, which was a traditional Japanese sitting style where you sat on your legs with your feet underneath you. Because we weren't used to it, I was allowed to kneel with my legs on either side to take the weight off my legs, and Tamaki sat with his legs crossed. Our hands were folded on our laps, and our backs were straight. The position was hard to maintain as I shook. Neither of us dared to look Grandmother or Father in the eye, so we looked at the floor.

"I have caught wind of a rumor that you both would like to end your engagements, and it must partially be true, considering Tamaki is still here," she finally spoke.

We said, "Yes, Grandmother." I swallowed hard. It hadn't supposed to be like that.

She continued, "And just what has made you both come to these ridiculous conclusions?"

My twin spoke first, "Grandmother, Lady Éclair is lovely, but I'm afraid my heart does not lie with her. France is not where I am needed, and I can't very well make business relationships if I'm off in Europe when the company is mainly stationed in Japan. I know this is centered around me becoming the heir, and I am willing to take on that role so long as I am allowed to stay in Japan with my sister and friends, even if I still have little interest in the company."

"And Katashi? Do you have anything you care to say?" Grandmother asked me in an icy tone that almost warned me to be quiet. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. I couldn't be silent any longer.

"I have been engaged to Eric Bélanger for about two years now, and while I had once believed him to be a nice person, he showed his true colors today. I don't doubt his love for me, though I have never felt the same, but I believe he is too focused on it. He is a fine liar, and there is no way of knowing if he'd ever stay true to the Suohs in the future when he ran his family's company, especially if doing so would help me in some way. Even if you don't believe that to be true, after today, the marriage would never work. There are too many issues that can never be resolved.

"Also, even though everyone thinks that the Suohs are going to be what drags the Bélangers out of the black, their stock continues to decrease, and I personally expect the family to fall into great debt within ten years. There is no stability promised with that family.

"I know I can be of use to the Suohs in other ways, even if I am not an heiress or marrying and heir. I studied business a great deal, and I can assist Tamaki when the time comes for him to take over the company since I know that isn't his strong suit. Please, I can show you my worth."

There was silence for a moment. Then, Grandmother told us, "You're both ungrateful, filthy children. I have provided you and your mother with security for a long time now, and you have chosen to disobey my wishes. I don't owe anything to either of you." We nodded, and I thought I heard Tamaki swallow. "Still, Tonnerres called me not too long ago, and they have called off the engagement themselves. You no longer have any marriage responsibilities, Tamaki." I heard his quiet sigh of relief.

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