Operation Cobra

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Henry came home from his Therapy session, and told me about how Emma had come. She was in on Operation Cobra. She had to just throw Regina of the trail. I was in school, when my teacher called me out. Henry was there. As was Regina. "What?" I say plainly. "Emma has been arrested again. She broke into Dr Hoppers office and tried to steal some files" she started but i couldnt listen to the rest. I just walked away. Henry came to me after the bell went. "We need to bail her out! Miss Blanchard!!" He then says calling her over.

We stormed into the Police Department. Graham was taking pics of Emma. "What are you doing here?" She asks. "Miss Blanchard is gonna bail you out" Henry says. "Why?" Emma asks in reply. "Err...because i trust you?!" Miss Blanchard says nodding.

So Emma gets released. So far so good. The next day, i come home, and Regina is angry. And a bit of her tree was destroyed. Emma. I text her. "Did u do that to Reginas tree" i send. She replies minutes later with "😈 Maybe". I laugh. Then me and Henry go to Reginas office. And Emma was there...Emma said Henry was troubled. Henry comes in. "You think Im crazy?" Henry asks before running off. I step in. Emma tries to get Henry. "You set her up!" I say to Regina. "You evil person! Right now the only person your hurting is Henry!!" I say. She just turns to Emma and says "your move".

I storm out and run after Henry. I was raging. How could she do this!!! We go home. I read over the book. I knew Regina wasn't my Mother. But i wanted to know who my parents were.
{Authors Note: Sorry if my chapters are abit incorrect I haven't watched Season 1 in awhile so please say if anything is wrong😂 Changed Chapter 3 bc i got mixed up but its all good now...sorry for the inconvenience....also please follow me on ig: @\reginas.happiness}

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