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I wake up and go straight to school. I always like to confide to Miss Blanchard but when i came in Graham was there. I over heard some of there conversation. He had seen a wolf! He was the Huntsman. I run to see Henry.

When we go home, Graham knocks on the door. I answer it. "Oh sorry Graham Emma isn't here" i say. "Thas okay i am actually here for you, and Henry" he says. I let him in and Henry gets his book. We explain it all to him, how it was Regina and that he was the Huntsman. "I was a prisoner there too" i mutter. "Who were you? There?!" E asks. "That doesn't matter" i say. I didn't really know myself. All i knew was that when i was born, Belle was locked up in the castle. And so was i.

He goes after a while. I go to Granny's diner. "Hot cocoa please" i say. I see Mary Margaret ad i go sit by her. "So a little bird told me about you and Doctor Whale" i say winking. She blushes. "It was nothing, honestly" she says. I raise my eyebrow. Though i think she is still heart broken about David.

Now that Kathryn and David are back together again, Regina is a lot more, i don't know...relaxed? She was hell bent on keeping David and Mary Margaret away from each other. That didn't matter at the moment.

That night, i could not get to sleep. I hear talking coming from Reginas bedroom. An imposter? I rush in. Graham was lying next to her. IN BED! "Oh my god!" I shout before rushing out. I quickly throw clothes on and run out of the door. Graham later comes out, seeing me sitting on the porch. "He he says softly. I just look at him. "I thought....i thought i could trust you! But all along..." I say angrily. I raise back inside as quickly as i could avoiding Regina.

In the morning i go to see Emma. "Hey" she says. "Hey..." I aay back. She was in her deputy sheriff uniform. I couldn't possibly tell her about Graham and Regina. Not now.

I stayed in the Police Station till Emma came back. She came back with Graham. I cut on her lip. "Dont ask" she says to me. Then her and Graham talk and kiss. Suddenly Graham collapses onto the floor. He would not wake up. "GRAHAM!?" I shout shaking him. As did Emma. He was dead...

I cried so much that night. Regina came in. "Go away!!" I shout at her. "Im sorry about Graham" she says. There was dust on her fingers. "you!" I snap. "You crushed his heart didnt you!?" I shout. She did not reply. I run out of the room and out of the house until i reached Mary Margarets apartment. I knock on the door. Mary Margaret opened the door. She could see the tears in my eyes and quickly let me in.

"You can stay here for a while" Miss Blanchard said making a hot cocoa. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" I say smiling slightly. "KNOCK KNOCK" the door knocks. Emma gets the door. It was Regina. I stand up. "Where is my daughter?" She snaps. I step in. "I am not your daughter! Nor will i ever be!" I say. She looks at me. At first she looked hurt hut then she shook it off. She just scowls at Emma before storming off.

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