The Well

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I knew that Mary Margaret, Emma and Izzie were gonna get through the portal. Nut Regina and Rumple thought it was gonna be Cora. Regina's Mother.

I rush to the well. The spell had been cast. "No! What are you doing?!" I ask scared. (Changed the dialogue sorry) "henry please you have to understand-" Regina starts. "No! I don' Mom is coming through that portal. Your adopted daughter is! And you" i say pointing to Mr Gold. "Your long lost daughter is coming through that portal!! You seriously want her torn away" i shout angrily. "Henry but what if its my Mother" regina mutters. "It won't be!you just have to have hope!" I say. Then Regina stops it. And Mary Margaret and Emma fall through. The first thing thats said, by Mr Gold is "wheres Izzie?"


I smile a bit. They had made it. But im pretty sure we won't be here for a while. We were at a magical, dreid up, lake. And Hook has a bean. We were going to Storybrooke.


"Can i go back to my family?" I ask. "Not yet see your a very valuable chess piece" Hook spits. "Really? Do i look like i'm playing a game of chess?" I snap. He looks at me. "How-" he starts. "Don't ask...i know everything about that was the day i was born" i say. He turns away steering his ship.

We had finally made it. I quickly rush off the ship, and throw up. "Your not going anywhere" Cora says. I was sick of this bloody ship, and now i'm under deck...or whatever you say. I hope this was the part someone told me i had telepathic powers. Or something like that. But i doubt it.


We had a party. I was back with David. I had missed him so so much!! But i worried about Izzie. I'm not sure she will be in the Enchanted Forest long. Maybe they found a way back. I hope not. Henry stayed quiet. "Hey" i say to him. "Hey" he mutters. "You okay?" I ask. He shrugs. "Shes strong" i say. "She will come back" i add. But before he could say anything else the door opens. "Sorry i'm late" Regina says holding a pot of lasagne.

Later Regina leaves, Emma following. I decided to leave it. I'm sure Emma can handle her. But Emma comes back later. Without Regina. She must have gone home. We chat for ages and then the party ends.

In the morning their was big news. Archie had been murdered. Emma had to arrest Regina. I was disappointed, she had been doing so well. But we had to interrogate her... And Emma thought she wasn't guilty because of her 'superpower' but me and David weren't so sure.

I had to get out. They had to know i was alive, and here. I started tugging at the ropes. Archie sat next to me. "I can untie" he try's to say but i understood. I nod and he begins untying. Once i was released i start on his. "No! There isn't anytime go! I will cover for you" Archie says. I hug him. "Thank you" i say and i quickly exit the ship and run to Mary Margaret's apartment. It was empty...

The library! Belle would be in there. I rush to the library. "Belle?! Mom?!" I shout. She comes rushing up to me, shocked. "Izzie! Its you" she says and she runs and hugs me. "They are here" i mutter but the door swings open. Hook stood there. I looked at him wide eyed. "You" i spit and he gives me a dashing smile before running at us. "The elevator!" I shout and Belle rushes towards it. Hook grabs me by the neck of my jacket. "GO! I can handle this!" I shout at Belle. She looked undecided. "Please!" I beg and she quickly starts locking the doors. "Call Dad!" I shout. I turn around and kick Hook in the balls before running out of the shop straight to Mary Margarets apartment. He began chasing me but then gave up. I rushed to Mary Margaret's apartment. No the police department. Emma would be there. I ran there and stormed throught the door, they were there. "Izzie!" Mary Margaret shouts and runs to hug me. I begin trying to say something. "Hook, Cora" i say but nothing came out. Huh? I fall onto the floor, everything went black...

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