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I wake up on a couch. "What happened?!" I say. My voice was gone. I cough. I grab a notepad. I write 'no voice....What happened?' And pass it to Emma. She looks at me. Confused. "How did you get here?" I ask but before i know it Henry storms through the door. "IZZIE!!" He shouts. He rushes up to me and hugs me. "Hey little bro" i say. And it was back, like that. Love? Though i did not love Henry like a boyfriend. More like a brother.

"So kiddo how you been?" I ask. He shrugs. "Did you miss me!?" I say nudging him. " it wrong for a brother to miss his big sister" he says. "I gotta go" i say swinging by bag around my shoulder and rushing out the door. I head to the shop. I knock on the door. When Belle opens it she hugs me. So many hugs! The shop was a mess! "What happened?!" I say shocked. "Hook" Dad says. "And he got what he wanted" he says. I look at him confused. "The shawl...Baelfire's shawl...its gone" Mum says. I was still trying to get used to this having parents thing. Dad wanted to find his son, Bae, who was somewhere in this world. And that shawl was his only chance.

Later, Belle went to the ports. I came with her. I Find Archie under the decks and release him. "Im sorry i didnt come sooner" i say hugging me. Belle tells him to get Rumple and tell him we are here. We look but cannot find anything. Then i hear a gun click. Hook has a gun to Belle's head. The shawl hooked to his hook. I run up to deck quickly.

Dad comes and starts beating Hook. He gets his shawl. I couldn't watch. "Stop Dad! Please!" I beg. "Please...prove to me you can be the Father i have always wanted" i plead. He stops. We go.

We go to the town line. Dad was going to find his son. "I love you Izzie....i will be back" he says and kisses my head. I hug him. "Thank you" i whisper in his ear. He hugs Belle. I hear a gun shot and look at Belle. She had been shot. And passed the town line. I cver my mouth. I turn to see Hook. Rumple holds Belle. Hook comes running, when a car speeds and runs him over.

Emma and the ambulance was here soon. I was in shock. I didn't say anything, not move. "Izzie?" Emma says walking up to me. Belle had been taken to hospital. "Is she dead?" I whisper. Emma shakes her head no. "Come on...lets take you to Mary Margarets" she says. She drives back and i go in. Henry had been reunited with Archie. I go up to the bedroom and sit on the bed. Staring at the wall. Henry comes in later. He hugs me. "Im sorry about Belle" he whispers. "I will come with you tomorrow to visit" He suggests. I shake my head no. "Shes probably forgot me" i mutter and cry into his arms.

Later i wipe my tears, and go to my Dad's shop. "Dad" i mutter. We sit together for a while and talk. Cora comes in to the shop. I clench my fists. "Go into the back" he says and so i do. When i peak i see them kiss. A small one. But it was still a kiss. She goes, and he had a globe in his hands. "Look Izzie i need to tell you something" he says. "My dagger...i trust going on a trip to find Bae....and i want you to know where my dagger is. You mustn't tell anyone" he says seriously. "If anyone looks for it, i need you to take it" he adds. Then he tells me where it is. I nod. "What was that kiss?" I ask. "A long time ago..we..." He says and looks down. Soon he was to set off for New York. Amd Emma and Henry were going with him.

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