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I went to see my Mother. But she didn't know who i was. Which hurt alot. "Who are you?" She said hastily. "Er i just was leaving" i say sadly. I walk out. I was informed that Cora and Regina were close to the dagger. I rush to Snow and Charmings. "The dagger" is ay. "I know where it is".

We rush to the clock tower and i grab it, handing it to Snow. Suddenly Cora and Regina appear. And another woman. "Johanna" Snow mutters. They asked for the dagger. Snow clenched it in her hand. Then they rip Johannas heart out. My eyes widen, as the squeeze it. "ENOUGH!" Snow eventually shouted, throwing the dagger to the ground. "No!" I beg. But it was to late. The dagger was now in Cora's hand. My Father would be returning soon, as he was injured. Like my Mother. They launched Johanna out of the window. Snow began weeping as Regina and Cora left. Just before she left, Cora walked to my ear. "Your very smart....but the only thing that can save your Father death itself" she whispered before leaving. Was she to kill him?

My Father soon returned. He was lay in the shop. I met my brother, Neal. "You must be Izzie?" He said offering his hand. I shook it. "You must be Neal" i say. Soon Emma and Neal were ready to battle the two witches. I was ready too. "Izzie? Can i talk to you?" Dad asks. I nod sitting next to him. "Izzie...i want you to know that i love you....and if i die..." He started. "You must always remember...i am always with you...and i am so glad that i found and Bae" he says. I hug him carefully. "I love you too" i whisper. Then the doors flung open.


Cora fell to the floor, dead. Regina knelt over her. Snow came rushing in. She killed Cora. But my Dad. He was better!! I hug him tightly. He smiled. I went back to Mary Margarets apartment. "How come you aren't staying with your Dad?" Emma asked. "Because...because i don't know...if i'm ready..for a proper family yet" i say. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Emma opened it. "I want my daughter back" regina snaps. "I am not your daughter" i say bravely. "Legally you are..until i say different" i Regina says. I eventually gave in. "I can't keep sleeping on your couch" i say. "But thanks" i add looking at Emma. She smiles a sorry smile.

((She won't be going to Neverland so i might skip Season 2/3 unless anyone wants her to go to Neverland...can't really decide XD))

(RESULT: Deciding to skip to when they return to the Enchanted Forest after Pans curse. Sorry if anyone wanted to here but nothing realky happened and it was a means to an end)

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