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We all end up in the Enchanted Forest. "Mum!" I say running and hugging her. She hugs me tight. Aurora and Phillip stood in front of us. "Snow!" Aurora said hugging her. Then she saw me. "Izzie!" She said and hugged me too. We all kind of had a reunion before everyone started heading towards Reginas castle. But thats when we found out that someone had hijacked her castle. And considering this person had flying monkeys...we were guessing it was the Wicked Witch...

Belle and Neal were going to Dad's house. "Im coming too!" I say racing along behind Belle and Neal. I was wearing a light blue cloak, which covered a brown and white dress.  It was a longish journey but we eventually made it. I had never been here before, but it was quite a pretty thing. "Welcome to your home" Belle said. I looked around for a bit. Then we started looking for that we could bring back my Dad.

Belle lit 3 candles. It started speaking. We turned around in shock to see a face in the fire. We begged it to help us. At first he didn't want to, because of what my Dad did to him. But he eventually gave in, and located us to a book. About dark ones. Belle opened it. "It isn't a book....its a hiding place!" I say. It had some sort of key. Lumiere, the candle, told us about the vault. And we decided to set off in the morning.

We set off, in the snowy forest. We eventually find it. "What did you just say?" Belle says turning back to him. "200 years" he said. Belle came up to us. "He's lying!" She said. Me and Neal exchanged looks before turning towards him. "Who are you?" I spit. "It is true....i am trapped...but i was not put here by Rumplestiltskin...i was put here, by the Wicked Witch" he said. "Why?" I say angrily. "She wants you to resurrect that she can control him with the dagger" Lumiere says. Belle did not want to go through with it but Neal insisted. He placed the key in the vault, and it began glowing.

He leapt back in pain. His hand had been branded. Black goo kinda stuff started forming in the vault and Neal started screaming in pain. Rumplestiltskin formed in the vault, but Neal he was...dying. Dad rushed to Neal's side. Just then the Wicked Witch appeared. I spun around. Belle and I stepped back a little. Then...Dad dropped the dagger, and him and Neal went into each other. "Oh before we go...kill them" The wicked witch snapped, grinning. I put my palms in front, and blast. Which technically was the only thing i had mastered.

"So i see magic runs through the family" she says. "Save the girl" she then said. Suddenly Lumiere he breathed fire and we managed to get away. Belle picked up the candle, and we ran. Ran like the wind.


We were back. We were back in StoryBrooke. What happened? My Dad...did he just die? This is confusing....All i remember was saying goodbye to Emma and Henry. And now i am here. I go to Regina's. I knock on the door. "Izzie?!" She says hugging me. Sh has finally started calling me Izzie. "What happened? Where's Henry? And my Dad? Is he dead?" I say blurting out so many questions. "Wow...ok slow down...Henry isn't here and i do not know what happened...and your Father he...he is dead.." She says sorrowfully. I shake my head. "There is something going on?! Another curse? Our memories! They're gone" i cry. She hugs me. Which she had also started doing. Regina was changing. I will give her that. But i'm in the same boat as Henry. I have 2 mothers, though my Dad refuses to believe that.

Emma came a few days later. "Emma!" I say hugging her. Then i see Henry. "Henry!" I say hugging him too. He pulls away awkwardly. "Who are you?"!" He asks shocked and confused. "Er i was a friend of your Mom's, i never met you before" i reply. I was hurt. How could Emma remember and not Henry!? 'Izzie!? Can i speak to you?" Emma asks. I nod and i gloomingly walk into the hall. "He doesn't remember..there was only enough potion for one" she says. I think it hurt her too. I nod. "I should go..see my Mom, Belle" i say and wave goodbye.

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