Getting To Know You (Part 2)

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Rachel Barbra Berry

Rachel cuts, even though she loves her family and friends, even though she's head cheerio and over the top popular she's never felt loved. She started cutting at age 13 when her dad Leroy left her mom, she went into deep depression but her mother never noticed because Rachel would put a brave face for her. Only Puck and her best friends know she cuts, her father nor her mom know because she covers it up with makeup. Finn and Rachel HATE each other, but she has to put up with Finn coming over all the time because he's best buds with Puck.

Noah Puckerman

Puck has a crush on Quinn though she's in a relationship with Finn, so being the best friend of his crush isn't easy but he plays along. Puck and Rachel haven an amazing brother sister bond. Puck is 3 months older than Rachel which gives him the right to the nickname... BABYSIS. Puck is on the football team which means he's just as popular as his sister.

Finn Christopher Hudson

Finn is Quarterback on the football team which also gives him a fair share of popularity. He is dating Quinn Fabray... but has his eye on a queen ..Rachel. For some reason they've both always had a FUEAD. He is step-brothers with Rachel's best friend Kurt Hummel which also means she goes over to the Hudson-Hummel's household which doesn't always settle well with either of them. Whenever he sees Rachel he sees a goddist, a queen, beauty but he knows he can't have her not with Quinn and Brody in the way so his words tell a different story than what he thinks in his head.

Quinn Lucy Fabray

Quinn is dating "The Quarterback" but has her eye on.. Brody, Rachel's 3 month long boyfriend! Quinn is a cheerio as well but has beef with "The Unholy Trinity" especially with the queen herself Rachel.

Kurt Elizabeth Hummel & Santana Lopez

Kurt and Santana both have a secret they'd like to keep one is into girls the other is into boys and no it's not Santana.

Author's Note

All of the characters mentioned in this and the last chapter, they are ALL seniors.


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