Lima, Ohio

646 20 1

Rachel's POV

I arrived at 'Lima Bean' so San and I could talk. 

Me- I'll take a "Pumpkin Spice Latte" please. ;) 

Worker- Okay that'll be $2.56 please.

Me- Here you go. I said handing him my money.

Worker- Thank you miss your drink will be ready soon.

I saw Santana walk in I was about to grab us a table until..

Kurt- Guys sit with me and Britt! 

What the hell!?

Me- How did you know we were here?

Kurt looked at me in confusion then looked at Santana.

Kurt- San you really shouldn't tweet about we're your going and not invite us. He said through a fit of laughter.

Santana- Whoops?

We all sat down as Santana began to speak.

Santana- Look I love all of you guys and I really hope you'll stick by me but I think I'm .. lesbian well I don't think I know. I'm just afraid.. of being judged my whole life I've tried to perfect myself, change myself look were it got me. I fight with myself mentally everyday telling myself 'don't be you' I tell myself that constantly. But I can't anymore I can't fight I'm to tired.. She sounded like she was on the verge of crying. I leaned in and hugged her tightly.

Me- Santana we love you no matter what you are. Also you shouldn't fight off being you and if anybody tries to put you down we'll be there for you.

Kurt- Yeah San we would never abandon you for you finally being you!

Brittany- I'm so happy you can finally be you Sanny.

Santana- Look I've told you the deepest secret about me your turn.

Me- I'll go first. I love 'Broadway'. I said shutting my eyes waiting for their response.

Kurt- ME TOO!!

Santana- I loved 'Mamma Mia'!

We all looked at her suprised she liked 'Broadway' but she just started laughing.

Santana- Britt why so quiet in 'Unicorn Land'.

Brittany- My MAT scores from last year were looked over and MIT is thinking of an early graduation.. for me.

Santana- How early!? She said as if about to cry.

Brittany- Either December or January..

Santana- No Britt! You can't leave me you can't leave us. We all gathered around in a group hug.

Me- Look on the bright side we have at least 3-4 months left no tears just memories okay.

Them- Okay.

Me- Let's get our shopping on!

Lima Mall//

Me- Guys look Britt is leaving soon we need to spend so much time together I say spa, yogurt, then shopping.

Kurt- YES!

Santana- Totally I need my nails done!

Brittany- YOGURT! Britt loves yogurt.

Me- Let's go.

After our spa we went to 'Yogurt Land', when we were there the cashier kept flirting with me and gave me his number ugh men except for my Finn..

Me- What do you say going to 'De Colores'?!

Them- Huh?

Me- 'De Colores' is the new store here there's a HUGE sale let's go before there's a mob.

Them- Okay sure.

We all went shopping and came out with a billion bags I swear next time we'll need two cars! San and I dropped off Britt and Kurt and where off to my house.

In The Car//

Me- Sanny you know I would never judge you for who you are right?

Santana- Yeah I know..but I'm scared others will.

Me- I got you San if anybody says anything about you they'll have to watch out!

Santana- Easy there tiger we'll get in an accident. She said sarcastically.

Santana- So how's is going with Frankenteen? Hmm??

Me- Good I guess it's been only a short time hard to tell.

Santana- Have you done the deed. She said smirking.


Santana- Ms. Berry is getting rebellious!

Me- Shut up! I said laughing.

Santana- Use protection don't be the next Quinn Fabitch.

Me- I know I know.

Rachel's House//

When I walked into the house it was a DUMP!! What the hell the maid JUST cleaned it!


I heard fast footsteps running down the stairs and then another pair of feet stomping on the stairs who else is here?

Puck- What's up baby sis what the hell did you really need to buy that much?

I gasped at that question. 

Me- That's none of your concern, don't call me baby sis I HATE it, and what the HELL happened the house was clean when I left!?

Santana- Haha Puckerman!

Finn- Hey babe!

Me- What are you doing here?

Finn- What are you over me? He said pouting.

Me- No. I said smiling.

Santana- But when we were getting yogurt damm this guy was all over her he gave her his number and then-

Me- SANTANA! Is that really neseccary!? But she just laughed.

Finn- Oh really!

Me- ANYWAY Puck what happened?

Puck- Finn and I decided that we wanted to learn how to cook because it involved fire but that turned into a food fight and sliding down the stairs with a matress..WAIT WHAT you two are dating?!



Santana just bursted out laughing.

Me- Not the point either clean this up or call the maid again. Puck walked away into the kitchen probably to call the maid. I was walking upstairs with San until I felt two gentle  hand wrap around my waist, it was Finn. He turned me around and kissed me which I gladly returned. I stated to turn into a make out until Santana broke it. She pulled me away from my Finny.

Finn- Waittt...

I whispered in his ear.

Me- Come over later. I then kissed his cheek and walked upstairs.


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