Because Of You

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Blaine's POV

After that kiss you don't even understand .. I think I am gay Kurt is adorable after we kissed we spent the rest together talking and stuff. I don't want to be judged though well I'm not even sure if I am maybe I should talk to Santana I'm pretty sure she's in the same position.


B- Hey Santana.

S- What's up Blaine?

B- Um have you ever felt like you may not .. feel normal feel like you like other people?

S- As in being.. gay?

B- Yeah..

S- You think I am or you are?

B- Well after seeing you and Brittany I think her name is but at your party you seemed to like her sorry if I offended you please don't hit me!

S- I have to go..we'll talk later bye.

B- Bye.

Maybe coming out isn't a good idea the biggest girl bad ass can't even come to terms with it maybe I shouldn't either..

Rachel's POV

Wowza Santana's party was awesome even though I don't quite remember what happened all I know is I woke up with a huge hangover on Saturday and Sunday is always us as in Brittany, Kurt, and Santana. I realized what's going on I don't like Blaine I love Finn! Wait what LOVE?! NO NO NO you like Finn. There you go.. But today we're on gonna hang out probably end up going to the mall with them but I want Finn and Blaine to tag along so that we all have our 'couples'. Yes, Santana has recently told me she is gay. But she's embarrassed as for Blaine and Kurt I don't know but with that kiss they have a lot to consider.

Beep Beep

Beep Beep

Beep Beep

My phone went off it's ass who the hell is it!? At 8:50 am!?

S- Berry I think he knows!?

M- Who? Knows what?

S- About me being...lesbehonest


S- Blaine he texted me this morning asking if I was! :(((

M- Meet me at Lima Bean 9:30.

S- Okay.

M- Bye.

S- Bye.

M- And Santana every things going to be fine okay.

S- Let's hope.

Author's Note

NEW CHAPTER coming soon it's a two part. :o Vote comment anything please and thank you.


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