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Hey leave him alone! She yelled. No! I want his juice box mine dropped and I have nothing to drink! She yelled back. Please leave me alone..The little boy wimpered. Here we can share mine. The little girl offered.

Okay. She exclaimed. What's your name? The girl asked. Rachel Berry how about you? Santana Lopez! What about you. The little girl asked to the boy who is no longer afraid. Mine is Kurt Hummel. He smiled. We are gonna be BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!


I want you to meet the new girl. Rachel said to her best friends Kurt and Santana.
Hi my name is Melinda Stewart. The rest of the gang introduced themselves and began laughing from the hilarious jokes that were told.

Until one little blonde girl all yelled at them. HEY BE QUIET! All of them shut their mouths until Melinda asked a question. Who is she?

Her name is Quinn Fabray she's really mean. Kurt said. I can tell. Melinda responded.

6th Grade

Guys I have something to tell you. Melinda said. What is it Mel? Rachel asked. My parents their drug attics and my uncle called the police on them so now they're in jail.. She cried. Kurt, Santana, and Rachel all surrounded her and hugged the crying girl. Ugh get a room! Yelled Quinn. So what's going to happen to you? Santana asked. I'm moving to Alabama with my uncle and aunt. We sure are gonna miss you Mel! They then hugged again earning themselves a scoff for Ms. Quinn Fabray.

Freshmen Year

Hey guys. Kurt said walking into the lunch area. Hey Kurt. The two girl said in tune. My dad just proposed to his girlfriend well now fiance. He said a little anoyed. Well who's the girl? Rachel asked. Carole Hudson father of Finn Hudson. Wow have fun with that. Santana teased. What's wrong with Finn Hudson? Rachel asked. Are you kidding he's the school biggest man hore! Santana said.

Senior Year

He leaned in and I did to and their we were making out. I pulled away and ran out after what happened with Broady I can't..

I peed on the stick hoping the throwing up just meant I was sick. I picked up the stick and their it was the plus meaning I was indeed pregnant with Finn Hudson's baby!

I walked into the school I was so pregnant everybody would know by now no point in hiding it I just wished Finn was with me but no..

Everybody was laughing at me and pointing to my stomache. Until I heard a loud voice yell 'LEAVE HER ALONE' hoping it was Finn but it was Karosky. I ran to him and he hugged me. It's okay. He told me. He wanted to beat Finn up but I wouldn't let him.

Mom Rachel's pregnant it's mine..I said quietly.
She yelled at me but after a couple hours of processing everything she calmed down and we talked everything out and I felt so much better.

Melinda I can't do this to Rachel again. I said as I grabbed my short trying to put it back on. Melinda than unzipped my pants and gave me a blowjob. I don't know why I let her! But but I did we hooked up after that. I miss Rachel but something about me just wants to be with Melinda I love Rachel she beautiful she carrying my kid but something about Melinda wants me to stay..

Rachel's POV

Beep Beep

That's all I can hear right now I'm trying to open my eyes but I can't I'm trying to force my hands onto my belly to make sure my babies were safe but my body wouldn't allow me too. GOD I hope everything fine!

Author's Note

The story's sadly coming to an end..do you want a sequel I'd be happy to continue.

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