At Least I Tried

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Rachel's POV

I decided to get my joy back you know the thing that Finn stole from me yeah that.

I'm going to bring in a tree for the choir room since basically all of us are like going through hell right now.

Santana and Kurt are helping me set up along with Blaine since he's taking Britt's spot when she leaves.

Along with a solo for me and a duet with Blaine AND a solo by Santana.

Nobody else is like joyful no wonder since during Sectionals we BARELY made it since Quinn passed out on stage. The baby is safe of course but the judges are starting to doubt our talent.

I know I know why are we celebrating Christmas instead of saying goodbye to your dear friend Brittany but the anwser is that, that assignment is SUPER depressing.

I walked into school with a smile and I'm back to my glam except not as revealing and tight since well you know..

I walked into the bathroom and into the stall and pulled up my shirt, I've honestly fallen in love with this baby I have and OB/GYN appointment later today, I love my little baby belly. Oh did I tell you while I was at the mall I got the ombre effect on my hair and I love it!

I walked out of the bathroom and ran into Finn..

Me- Oh um sorry.

Finn- It's my fault sorry.

It was akward and the weirder thing is that Finn kept looking me up and down.

Finn- New hair?

Me- Huh? Yeah I got it done with uh Kurt yesterday.

Finn- Yeah about yesterday sorry about uh being an ass.

Me- Yeah you were being an ass but I guess it okay...

Finn was about to speak up when a blonde kid bumped into me.

Him- Oh sorry my pretty lady. He said trying to lighten the mood but I saw Finn's face harden.

Me- It's okay. I said biting my lip he's cute.

Him- I'm new here. Do me the honor and show me around please?

Me- Sure. I said smiling.

He grabbed my hand and told me to show the way. I turned around and mouthed 'sorry talk later' he just nodded and walked away.

Finn's POV

I still love her..seeing her with the blonde kid made me ANGRY! UGH I fucked up BADLY!

Rachel's POV

Ugh my gawd when I was talking to Finn I felt like I was about to fall head over heels for him again but I can't! I don't know this child needs a father, I know it kills me everyday about my dad and I don't want that for my baby..but I also can't trust Finn, plus he doesn't even know if we get back together he'll probably break up with me for being pregnant. I gave Sam a tour around the school and then he left to go to his locker and set stuff up.

Choir Room//

I walked in on Santana and Kurt setting up along with Blaine putting up lights. I'm actually starting to feel a tiny bit happy except for the fact that my back aches, and I puke a lot but I learned that herbal tea and lolipops help from Quinn. Which have prevented me from puking at glee. I'm a great actress being pregnant and with only people I trust knowing yeah sure Puck yelled at me asking why I didn't learn anything from him and Quinn and that he's gonna kill Finn but I told him that Finn is not gonna know. And I still haven't changed my mind. Finn doesn't care about me and I don't want him to JUST be with me because of this baby so might as well not get him involved and ruin his future right?.

Kurt had turned on the song 'All I Want For Christmas' by Mariah Carey and we all just sang along decorating.

45 minutes later

by the way if you don't know we're ditching 1st and 2nd period to do this

Kurt had taken me outside the choir room probably to fill me in on Blaine and him we haven't talked talked like heart to heart mainly it was all about Brittany leaving and tears.

Me- Yes Kurt?

Kurt- Hey are you okay, you well how can I say this nicely you look bloated.

Me- Wow that's nicely? I asked fake smiling scared of where this is gonna go.

Kurt- I just wanna make sure everything's okay with you, everything's the same?

Me- Yes Kurt everything's fine. I said lieing through my teeth.

I was about to walk back in when Kurt pulled me back and whispered in my ear.

Kurt- I know you're...I know you have a bun in the oven..

My eyes got watery I really just wanted a day without this without worrying..why can't I get that

Me- I'm not!

Kurt- Then why did you make an ultrasound appointement? I looked at him with tears streaming down my face.

Me- How do you know that.

Kurt- I have your password for your email and I knew something was up.

Me- You had NO right. I said crying.

Kurt- Just tell me.

Me- FINE! I'm pregnant! Are you happy!

Kurt just seemed shocked by my outburst.

Kurt- Stop being an ass Rachel I'm just trying to help.

Me- Help me by what! Telling Finn because I know that's what you're gonna go do!

Kurt- Wow! Screw YOU Rachel!

Me- Yeah screw me.. I said crying and ran to the bathroom.

I ran into the bathroom and of course the day had to get worse, I had to be in the bathroom at the same time as Melinda.

Melinda- Wow looks like somebody didn't get the regular 6 hours to put on the full 3 inch make up. Because of my mascara running.

Me- Melinda just leave me alone. I said softly going to the sink.

Melinda- Why! Why Rachel can't take any shit. You little bitch.She said getting up in my face.

Me- Back up Melinda! Remember what happened last time. I said pushing her hard against the bathroom door.

Melinda just looked upset, what the hell this girl has mood swings.

Me- What Melinda. What the hell do you want. You came back pushed a pregnant girl into the locker room, stole my boyfriend, and you're constanly in my face. What do you want from me!?

Melinda just began crying so I sat next to her which was a HUGE mistake. When I sat down she looked up and slapped me the last thing I remember is Santana running in Melinda running out.

Author's Note
Do you think it was wrong of Kurt?
Will Finn find out?
When will Melinda back off?
Thanks for reading make sure to vote and comment please!!♡♡

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