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[December 1st Tuesday 5:00pm]

Rachel's POV

Well today is December 1st like 17 days for my birthday! Finn and I are like in the honeymoon avenue of a relationship but I've been getting the feeling Melinda hates me. She tried to push me down the steps but her excuse was someone behind her pushed first. Yeah whatever I'll keep an eye out she can be VERY sneaky. Brit Brit is leaving in December that stupid school wants her now! Ugh! I walked downstairs to find Finn, Mike and Puck, so I decided to call Santana and Brittany over. I grabbed my phone and then if fell and cracked!


Puck- WHATTT??

Me- My phone cracked!!! He walked to me and took my phone to look at it.

Puck- HAAA!

I punched him on his arm really hard.

Puck- Ow!

The boys came running in to find me running away from Puck.

I ran around the kitchen into the living room.

Puck- Get back here shortie! I saw Puck go into the screening room so I decided to come up from behind the couch I take a deep breath and saw Finn looking at me with a smirk, I now know Puck sent the boys to find me dammit.

Me- You didn't see me? I said offering an offer so he wouldn't call Puck because he won't stop until he hits me back.

Finn walked up to me and made out with me. Then backed away.

Finn- Puck I found her! He held my waist, i tried to get away but his grip was too tight.

Puck and Mike then came running in and Puck had an evil smile on his face.

Me- Puck! Don't PLEASE! I just wanted to call Santana. I said laughing neverously;.

Puck- Hmmm.

Me- Mom and dad are coming home soon I'll help you tell them about Quinn?

Puck- FINE!

Puck- By the way I dropped your phone again. He said laguhing and handing me my butchered phone!

I grabbed Puck's phone from the counter called San and Britt told them what happened and challenged the boys to a 3 on 3 football game.


(Girl's Team)

Me- Santana I know nothing about football!

Santana- Please neither do these boys haven't you seen their scores?

Brittany- Haa that's so true!

Me- Fine.

Santana- Let's go takel those little girls! Rach, you handle tubbers, Britt you get Chang, and I'll get Puckerman.

Brittany- Yeah! She than ran and tackled Mike and both fell on the ground.

We all burst out laughing.

10-3 was the score.

Puck- See girls can't play sports.

San, Britt, and I's head snapped as soon as he said that.

Me- Puckerman you better take that back NOW!

Finn- Aye sorry he's telling the truth.

I did a divs gasped folded my arms and licked my lips, Santana and Brittany both know what that means; that means I've reached my limit of crap.

Me- Not speaking to you now! I stormed off along with Brittany.

Finn- What was that?!

Santana- Tubbers I wouldn't take this as a joke one time she ignored Puck for a month she won't have any trouble keeping her distance, nice job boobs magee.

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