Isom Innis

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So we were at this place that is basically the suburban jungle with a pathway. Let me tell you something, the road is a lot steeper than life. It’s the steepest road I’ve ever seen in my whole life. You could barely walk on it without tripping, especially ride an ATV. To be honest, ATVs are a lot easier compared to the two-wheeled dirt bikes, obviously. We were at this hill-like lump and we could see the whole track from there. The road looks fun to ride along actually. Nate wore Andy’s baseball cap that is way too big for his head and keeps on sliding down his face. “There’s them!” Nate pointed,

            “It’s weird that Isom is on an ATV.” I stated, “I barely even see him ride a bike before.”

            “Let’s just see if he survives this road. I tried it once.”

            I smacked Andy in the arm, “You’ve tried it and didn’t even bother to take me?”

            He shrugged, “I’m sorry, I guess.”

            “There goes Isom.” Nate murmured.  I watched Isom closely, studying every little detail. I wondered if he ever learned by watching me do it ten years ago.  I guess not, because he could barely keep it going straight. Frankly, it’s a little funny to watch.

            “You know what?” Andy abruptly said,


            “I should be timing him. If he could go one round for ten minutes, then you guys can come back today.”

            I cackled, “That won’t happen. He could barely pass a few meters in one minute.”

            “You’re right.” He nodded, “It’s going to take some time.”

            “Ten bucks on that hole.” I betted,

            “I have faith in that guy. Twenty if he passed through with no problems.”

            “Are you sure?”

            “Yes.” He nodded, “I am sure.”


            “I’m hungry.” Nate complained,

            “But you just ate.”

            “And now I’m hungry again.”

            “A growing boy needs to eat.” Andy shrugged,

            I dug through my little backpack and prayed that I brought something with me. The kid will be cranky when he is not fed with something, anything. “Oh God, I love you!” I cried with joy as I pulled a Snickers bar out. It’s mine, but whatever keeps the kid quite.

            “Can I have it?” He grinned innocently.

            “Sure thing, buddy!” I opened it and gave it to him. I then went back to Isom, who was slowly making his way to the hole and my ten bucks.

            Then Nate tapped me. I turned as he snapped the bar in half, “You can have the bigger piece.”

            “That’s sweet of you, but you can have the bigger piece. Aren’t you hungry?”

            “Thank you!”

            I received the smaller piece from him, “No, thank you!”

The Foster Kid (Part 5) (Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now